


美式发音: [tækˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [tæk'seɪʃ(ə)n]




n.fiscal popcy,tax popcy,tax system,taxes,assessment



1.税;税款;税金;税收money that has to be paid as taxes

to reduce taxation减税

2.税制;征税;课税the system of collecting money by taxes

changes in the taxation structure税制结构的变化


n.1.the system that a government uses for collecting money from people in the form of taxes; the money that a government collects from people from taxes

1.税务 财政 Finance 税务 Taxation 人力资源管理 Human Resources Management ...

2.税收 taxable 应纳税的 taxation 税收 tax-exempt debt 免税债 ...

3.征税 taxation system 税制 taxation 征税,纳税 fiscal charges 财务税收 ...

4.税法 International Intellectual Property Law 国际知识产权法 Taxation 税法 Family Law 家庭法 ...

5.课税 Management Information Systems 管理信息系统 Taxation 课税 Accounting 会计学 ...

6.纳税 taxation system 税制 taxation 征税,纳税 fiscal charges 财务税收 ...

7.税制 taxable income 应纳税的收益 taxation 征税;税制;估价征税 taxes on sales 销售税金 ...

8.税务学 管理经济学 Managerial Economics 税务学 Taxation 金融学 Finance ...


1.The right to any refund or repayment of Taxation available to the Company or any of the Group Companies.公司或集团子公司所拥有的资金或偿付款的权利。

2.Due to the international nature of aircraft operations, airpne operators are more susceptible to double taxation than other taxpayers.由于航空运输属国际性质的业务,航空公司较其他纳税人士容易受到双重徵税。

3.Karl Marx assumed that taxation would be unnecessary after the advent of communism and looked forward to the "withering away of the state" .卡尔马克思设想的共产主义出现后,税收将是不必要的,并期待着“国家消亡”。

4.Let me put your mind at ease. The way I see it, a joint venture means, primary, less taxation and more benefits for the investors.让我来解除你的顾虑吧。依我看,搞合资企业,对于投资者来说,首先可以少上税,多收益。

5.Increase taxation to destroy money, or pay people higher interest to put their money out of use for a while.一是增加税收,或者付给人们更高的利率以减少货币使用;

6."Excessive taxation puts aviation's social and economic benefits at risk, " said the company in its press release.“过高的税收危及航空的社会和经济效益,说:”在其新闻发布公司。

7.Double taxation arises when two or more tax jurisdictions overlap, such that the same item of income or profit is subject to tax in each .当两个或以上的地区对某一纳税人的同一项收入或利润同时拥有税收司法权而向其徵税时,便会产生双重课税的情况。

8.Heavier taxation might narrow the division between rich and poor, but it would be a hollow triumph if it stifled the economy.加大税收力度也许会缩小贫富间的差距,但如果它抑制了经济的发展,那也只是毫无意义的成就。

9.Mr Obama's promise of continued low taxation may have helped him to electoral victory, but it also planted the seeds of his popcy failures.奥巴马对于继续实行低税收的承诺,可能在竞选总统时帮了他的忙,但也为他播下了政策失败的种子。

10.The distinction between spending and taxation is often murky and sometimes meaningless.开支与税收之间的区别常常是模糊的,有时根本就没什么意义。