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网络释义:东京广播公司(Tokyo Broadcasting System);东京放送;Tris-buffered sapne




1.东京广播公司(Tokyo Broadcasting System)  在东京广播公司(TBS)演播厅里接受有日本民众参与的电视采访,如此近距离地毫无保留地接触日本民众,这在中国领导人还是 …

2.东京放送东京放送TBS) 1995年7月23日-1995年9月30日 30分(含OP、ED和广告版)/集 共13集集数 中文名称 英文名称 日文名称 …

3.Tris-buffered sapneTBS(Tris-Buffered Sapne) tablets 措侩樊 力前 TBS(Tris-Buffered Sapne)powder 技器堪祸侩 屈堡 钎侥 矫距 瘤规技器狼 Lipo…

4.东京放送电视台(Tokyo Brocasting System)爱迪生之母,是日本东京放送电视台TBS)制作的电视剧,在2008年1月至3月期间,每周五22时(日本时间)播出。由武藤 …


1.The sales assistant in my local Body Shop said she sprayed hers on her curtains as well which I've also tried, with great results.我家附近的TBS店的店员说,它喷在自家的窗帘上,我也同样试了一下,效果非常好。

2.TBS is direct and concrete, faciptating the communication between the cpnical doctors and cytologist.TBS报告方法直观、具体,便于临床与细胞学医生之间的沟通;

3.For other part of membrane, pour off TBS buffer. Add 3% blocking buffer, rock gently for at least 1 h.对于没有进行染色的膜,首先倒出TBS缓冲溶液,加入3%封闭缓冲溶液,轻轻摇动至少1小时。

4.perl tbs_usage. pl - This script provides the free and used space for all the tablespaces for a given database.perltbs_usage.pl——该脚本提供了给定数据库的所有表空间的空闲和已用空间。

5.But he earns a good portion of his money from TV even though his shows air on TBS.但尽管他的电视剧在TBS电台上播出,他收入的一大部分仍来自于电视节目。

6.This film was produced in a major TV station, TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System Incorporation).这部电影是由一个重要的电视台TBS(东京广播公司)制作的。

7.The TBS Department of Humor Analysis is working to stay ahead of the curve in the funny business.日本TBS电视台的幽默分析部正在努力保持领先地位,在滑稽的生意曲线。

8.The ITAL TBS group's e-Health services include the integrated activities of Medical IT, Telemedicine and Telecare.意大利TBS组电子保健服务包括医疗信息、远程医疗和求助的综合的活动。

9.PTS is a part of the Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS), which is funded principally by the authorities.PTS是台湾广播系统(TBS)的一部分,基本上靠当局资金支持。

10.That attempt was quickly followed by internet services group Rakuten's bid for TBS, another TV broadcaster.互联网服务集团乐天(Rakuten)迅速效仿,打算收购另一家电视广播公司东京放送(TBS)。