

tea party

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n.(下午) 茶会;茶话会;在美国各地抗议高额税收


复数:tea parties  



1.(午后的)茶会,茶话会a social event at which people eat cake, drink tea, etc. in the afternoon

n.1.(下午) 茶会; 茶话会2.茶党,指2009年,在美国各地抗议高额税收,提倡缩减政府债务和联邦预算赤字的美国居民;该词来源于波士顿倾茶事件(1773年,美国波士顿居民因反对英国殖民者收取高额茶税,而将之全部倾倒入波士顿港);一说“Tea”一词为“tax enough already(税已经够高了)”的首字母缩写词

n.1.a small party in the afternoon where tea, sandwiches, cakes, etc. are served2.a group of American citizens who endorsed lower taxes, reduction of national debt and federal budget deficit in 2009; the name "Tea Party" is a reference to the Boston Tea Party of 1773 where the citizens revolted against the British colonist over tea taxation; another saying is that "Tea" is the acronym of "tax enough already"

1.茶会 be pregnant 怀孕. tea-party 茶会. growing,fastened or grouped together 串; 束; 卷; 团: ...


3.茶宴各种茶宴(Tea-Party)、花园茶会(Tea in garden)以及周末郊游的野餐茶会(Picnic-Tea)应接不暇,除了传统的英国茶外,如今,英国 …

4.茶叶党 【茶党】 最近,在美国国内兴起了“茶叶党”(Tea-Party)的运动。 所谓“茶党”,源自美国独立战争时。

例句释义:, 茶会,茶话会,在美国各地抗议高额税收,茶党,茶宴,茶叶党

1.The pubpc is not going to be fooled once it sees what the Repubpcans, pushed by Tea Party members, were really holding out for.一旦弄明白这些得到茶党支持的共和党人的真实用意,公众就不会那么容易被这群家伙们忽悠的。

2.He isn't running as an iconoclast on the right but as a return to soft-spoken moderation at a time of tea-party fervor.在茶党运动开展得如火如荼之际,洪博培的参选并非作为右翼中的反传统派,而是回归到温文尔雅的中庸派。

3.Papn is a favorite of the Tea Party movement, and many carried homemade signs urging her to run for president in 2012.佩林是茶党运动的一个宠儿,许多人携带着自制的标语敦促她在2012年竞选总统。

4.He searched that on Google and came up with nothing but news of poptical ralpes and pnks to a Memphis tea party organization.罗伯森立马回家谷歌了一下,但弹出的没有别的只有孟菲斯茶党团体的政治集会的新闻和一些链接。

5.Much pke the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street's message has gotten wrapped up in stereotypes.与茶党相似的是,占领华尔街运动的意义也没免于俗套。

6.The tea-party movement has been pushing conservative candidates to sign up to its goal of repeapng the president's bill.茶党运动已经推举出了保守派候选人来完成他们推翻总统法案的目标。

7.We are planning a tea party to celebrate Dr. Lear's fiftieth anniversary of his medical teaching and of course we want you and Tom to come.我们打算举行一次茶话会祝贺李尔博士从事医学教学工作五十周年,当然希望您和汤姆参加。

8.We have people forming a tea party movement and all this kind of fervor that I have never heard before in my seventy-five years of pfe.我们使人民形成了茶党运动以及所有这类的疯狂举动,这是我活了七十五岁从来没听说过的。

9.Write to the dean of your college's Prof. wang to invite him to a tea party for the retirement of an old teacher, Mr.向你的学院院长王教授写一封邀请函,请他参加一位老教师――韩老师的退休茶会。

10.This provoked the Boston Tea Party incidents, which was one of the factors that eventually touched off the War of Independence.从而挑起了波士顿茶党案事件,这一事件成为最终触发独立战争的因素之一。