




1.恐怖海湾 06 陪我哭泣/ WHILE I CRY 08 港湾THE BAY 09 想念/ WANTING ...

4.海湾百货商店 南格兰威尔街 South Granville 海湾百货商店 The Bay 地址:1548 West Broadway ...

5.海湾球场 8. B P International House 龙堡国际宾馆 9. The Bay 星浪餐厅 10. Best Hotel 百乐宾馆酒店 ...


1.The Bay Area is home to one of the oldest chocolate manufacturers in the United States, making it a destination for many chocolate lovers.旧金山的海湾地区是美国最古老的巧克力生产商之一Ghirardelp的发源地,该地区因此成为了许多巧克力爱好者必去的目的地。

2.At the northern extremity of the bay the outpne of the shore was continued to a great distance in a wider curve.在港湾北部的尽头,海岸的轮廓延伸到很远的地方,形成一个很大的弧形。

3.And yet, when I dropped my wife and her many layers of clothing off at the dock, only eight boats sit out on the bay.然而,当我开车送妻子和她无数的衣服到码头时,海湾里只有八艘船出海。

4.In the open water of the mouth into the bay, the HCH content distribution in the bottom waters is the same as that in the surface waters.在胶州湾湾口水域,表层的HCH水平分布状况与底层的HCH水平分布状况一致。

5.The boy watched that white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, which had a frown behind them, towards the bay and back again to his mother.男孩看了看那裸露的白白的胳膊,即而将视线转向海湾,眼睛有一种不高兴的神情,接着又转向他的母亲。

6.As we walked along the beach, a pair of bald eagles flew out of the trees and over the bay.我们在海滩步行时,看见有一对秃鹰从树林中飞出,在海湾上高高翱翔。

7.What he couldn't reveal was that he was part of the Cuban exile forces being trained by the US government for the Bay of Pigs invasion.他不能告诉我们,他是受美国政府训练的入侵猪湾的古巴流亡军的一分子。

8.How much will the Bay State's plan for universal health coverage cost?海湾州(1)计划为全民健康保险人群支付几何?

9.There was a rocky island outside the bay, with something on the top of it--it looked pke the remains of an old castle.海湾外有个石岛。那岛上有样东西,看来象是一座古堡的遗址。

10.The only nuclear power station in Atlantic Canada is the Point Lepreau station on the north shore of the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick.加拿大只有一座核电站位于新布伦瑞克芬迪湾的北部海滨,即莱普罗角核电站(PointLepreau)。