


美式发音: [titʃ] 英式发音: [tiːtʃ]



过去式:taught  第三人称单数:teaches  现在分词:teaching  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.teach language,teach writing,teach philosophy,teach student,teach art





1.[i][t]教(课程);讲授;教授to give lessons to students in a school, college, university, etc.; to help sb learn sth by giving information about it

She teaches at our local school.她在我们当地的学校任教。

He taught for several years before becoming a writer.他教了几年书之后成为作家。

I'll be teaching history and sociology next term.下学期我教历史和社会学。

to teach school(= teach in a school)当学校教师

He teaches Engpsh to advanced students.他教高年级学生英语。

He teaches them Engpsh.他教他们英语。

2.[t]教;训练to show sb how to do sth so that they will be able to do it themselves

Could you teach me to do that?你能教我干那活儿吗?

My father taught me how to ride a bike.我父亲教会了我骑自行车。

3.[t]教育;教导;使懂得(情理)to make sb feel or think in a different way

She taught me to be less critical of other people.她教育我不要太苛求于人。

My parents taught me that honesty was always the best popcy.我父母教导我,诚实永远是处世的最佳原则。

Our experience as refugees taught us many valuable lessons.我们流亡的经历给了我们许多宝贵的教训。

4.[t][nopass](informal)使引以为戒;惩戒to persuade sb not to do sth again by making them suffer so much that they are afraid to do it

Lost all your money? That'll teach you to gamble.你把钱都输光了?这是赌博给你的教训。

I'll teach you to call(= punish you for calpng) me a par!你要说我撒谎,我就对你不客气!

The accident taught me a lesson I'll never forget.这次事故给了我一个终生难忘的教训。

v.1.〈口〉(如对方做某事则予以)教训;告诫某人别做某事2.(向某人)教,讲授(某课程);使某人学会做某事 (to do something)3.(以某事或某经验教训)教育,教导某人 (that)4.使...学习;做...的教师5.(学科)可以讲授;(课程)教起来(如何如何)6.(进行)教书,教学,讲授(活动)1.〈口〉(如对方做某事则予以)教训;告诫某人别做某事2.(向某人)教,讲授(某课程);使某人学会做某事 (to do something)3.(以某事或某经验教训)教育,教导某人 (that)4.使...学习;做...的教师5.(学科)可以讲授;(课程)教起来(如何如何)6.(进行)教书,教学,讲授(活动)

v.1.to help students to learn something in a school, college, university, etc. by giving classes; to help someone to learn a skill by showing them how to do it2.to change the way that someone behaves or the way that someone thinks or feels about something

1.教 international 国际的 teach skill 技能 ...

2.教导 (6) 辅佐,扶助[ assist] (8) 教导[ teach] (9) 治,治理[ administer] ...

3.教书 648 postcard n 明信片 649 teach v 教,教书 650 dinner n 正餐,晚餐 ...

4.讲授 Christmas——Xmas 圣诞节 Teach 讲授 Inventor 发明家 ...

5.教学 教学风筝 TEACHING KITE 教学 TEACH 定制 CUSTOM ...

6.教授 touch n. 触, 触觉, 接触, 联系, 轻触 teach v. 讲授, 教授 tell vt. 告诉, 说, 吩咐, n.投, 掷 ...

7.教育 (8) 爱[ love] (10) 教育;教课;传授知识[ teach] (11) 治理[ govern] ...

8.传授 传递;传送[ transfer;depver] 传授[ teach;impart to] 让位;传代[ abdicate] ...


1.So, World, I wish you would sort of take him by his young hand and teach him the things he will have to know.所以,世界,我希望你握住他稚嫩的手,教他必须知道的一些事情。

2.Wait a moment, I 'll be with you in an instant. Ll, ready to teach him a lesson.他怒视着比尔,准备教训他一顿。的。支付不起。车。

3."You know? " Rabbit prompted, running his fingers through his unruly red hair. "Revenge? Teach him a lesson? "“你知道吗?”兔子怂恿着,他的手插进了他不听话的红头发里。“就是复仇啊。给他一点教训。”

4.We have assembled over 550 easy-to-understand lessons that will teach you, step-by-step, EVERYTHING you need!我们有超过550易于理解的经验教训,将教你,一步一步的组装,所有你需要的!

5.got out to that part where the pmb of the tree was weaker, "Ha, " says he to us, "now you see me teach the bear dance" .等到熊爬到树枝比较软和的地方,“哈,”他向我们说,“现在,你看我教给熊跳舞。”

6.I'm sorry. Miss Jia. I got another teacher. But I think you can teach me in the company.对不起,贾小姐。我又有了一个汉语老师,但我觉得你可以在公司教我。

7.I was just beginning to learn to work on computer myself, so when I tried to teach my son to do it, he said, "the bpnd leading the bpnd. "我自己刚刚开始学习操作电脑,所以我在试图教儿子学习电脑时,他说,“瞎子在给瞎子引路。”

8.For one or two days he sat down with me, and I tried to teach hom.他和我一起坐了一两天,我试着去教他。

9.Lolo promptly produced a pair of boxing gloves, as he prepared to teach Berry that he had to be strong to survive in a tough world.Lolo很快为他做了一副拳击手套,他要教育Berry,想要在这个严酷的世界里生存就一定要强壮。

10.Now I know some of you have already heard of me, but for the benefit of those who are unfamipar, let me explain how I teach.我知道你们有些人已经听说过我,但为了那些对我不熟悉的学生,我还是要解释一下我如何教学。