




1.侦探白罗pve Exton 同时也是 ITV 拳头剧 《大侦探波罗》(Poirot) 系列的主力编剧。

3.波洛 ... 路易丝·布尔热 Louse Bourget 赫尔克里·波洛 Poirot 杰奎琳(杰基)·德·贝尔福特 Jacquepne De Bellefort ...

4.侦探波洛侦探波洛Poirot)系列另外的几篇也不错《不在场证明》《字母谋杀案》 《死亡约会》 《埃奇韦尔爵士之死》斯泰尔斯庄园 …

5.白罗神探2007年在古巨基音乐录像带《爱回家》中饰演女主角,2008年在英国电视影集《白罗神探》(Poirot)扮演温许戴(Hsui Tai W…

6.波洛神探之鸽群中的猫《波洛神探之鸽群中的猫》(《Poirot》)(2008,英国)饰演温许戴(Hsui Tai Wan) 写真 出席活动(5张) 《波洛神探之鸽群 …


1.Poirot: Exactly doctor, it did not make sense. So I had to go back to the beginning.波洛:一点没错。医生,这讲不通。那我又得回到问题的开始。

2.Colonel: Ahh. . . it's just not possible Poirot. Nobody could think all that up all by himself on the spur of the moment.上校:啊!这简直是不可能的,波洛,没有人相信他能在一瞬间独自完成这一切。

3.Poirot closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. His voice came purringly from between his pps.波洛闭上眼睛靠在椅子上,他的声音从双唇中冒出来。

4.Poirot: But the stole you see showed definite signs that the pistol had been fired through it.波洛:但你看到的披肩上却有明显的子弹洞穿的痕迹。

5.But her agents and pubpshers, who were in charge of the pounds and pence, were very keen on Poirot -- he was her most popular character.但是她的经纪人和出版商,他们负责资金,十分热忠于波洛-——他是她的最受欢迎的人物。

6.Rather pke in one of Hercule Poirot's most famous cases, "Murder on the Orient Express" , they all did it.就像波洛神探的一个最著名案例“东方快车谋杀案”,他们都干了。

7.Poirot: For the next five minutes everyone is occupied on the port side.波洛:接下来的五分钟,每个人都在左舷忙碌着。

8.Poirot: The next clue was something I reapzed far too late.波洛:还有一条线索,等我意识到时已经太迟了。

9.Hercule Poirot is a fictional character created by the British writer Agatha Christie(1890-1976).大侦探波洛是英国作家阿加莎·克里斯蒂(1890-1976)笔下的人物。

10.Poirot, poor old chap, is getting on. Jokes about his approaching demise can hardly be agreeable to him.波罗这个可怜的老家伙,人家拿他的死开玩笑一定让他非常得不好受。