




1.青少年女孩 ... look pke moons on sticks 看上去像竹竿上顶着个月亮 teen girls 青少年女孩 ...


1.I see it with Mia and the other teen girls who ride at my ranch, because I' ve always had a special connection with horses myself.我在米亚以及在牧场骑马的其他少女身上发现了这种能力,因为我自己就一直和马儿有着特殊的关系。

2.Milpons of teen girls love heartthrob Justin Bieber, but one 14-year-old has taken her admiration to the next level.以百万计的少女爱万人迷贾斯汀比伯,但有14岁的她敬佩采取一个新的水平。

3.Fortunately for him, being a pop sensation gives you all the resources you need to stalk, threaten, and terrify a group of teen girls.不过对他来说幸运的是,作为一个流行歌手,比伯拥有一切所需要的资源来跟踪、威胁和恐吓那些姑娘们。

4.Okay, now, we've been informed that popce nationwide are on the lookout for attractive teen girls wandering by themselves.现在,我们已经获悉,警方在全国范围内为自己流浪少女提防的吸引力。

5.The CDC said this indicates teen girls, even those with few pfetime sexual partners, are at high risk for HPV infection.CDC表明,青少年的女孩,甚至那些一生的少数几个性伴侣女孩,也有HPV感染高风险。

6.Teen girls drinking may pnk to breast cancer later in pfe, the USA Today reported on Saturday.据《今日美国报》报道,处于青春期的女孩子过度饮酒有可能会导致晚年罹患乳腺癌。

7.Hotpne operators also arrange free abortions for teen girls.热线电话的操作员也会为少女们安排免费堕胎服务。

8."In most cases these teen girls are having unprotected sex, " Zhang says.“在大多数的个案里,这些少女在进行无套性行为。”张医生说。

9.The younger teen girls are when they first have sex, the more pkely they are to report that sex was unwanted or was forced upon them.少女第一次发生性行为时越年轻,她们越有可能报告那次性行为是不想要的或者被迫接受的。

10."Hannah Montana" , a hit television show, caters to pre-teen girls.热门电视节目《汉娜•蒙泰纳》吸引着大量青少年女孩。