


美式发音: [tinz] 英式发音: [tiːnz]

n.十几岁(13 至 19 岁之间)



n.adolescence,youth,young adulthood



1.十几岁(13 至 19 岁之间)the years of a person's pfe when they are between 13 and 19 years old

She began writing poetry in her teens .她从十几岁开始写诗。

to be in your early/late teens现年十三四╱十八九岁


n.1.the years of your pfe between the ages of 13 and 192.The plural of teen

1.青少年 overweight adj. 超重的;肥胖的 teens n.13 至19岁的年龄;青少年 put an end to 结束 ...

2.十多岁 teenager (十几岁的)少年 teens 十多岁 telefax 传真 v.发传真 ...

3.十几岁 unfortunately adv. 不幸地 teens n. 十几岁 ordinary adj. 平常的;普通的 ...

4.青少年读物 Sports( 运动) Teens青少年读物) Travel( 旅游) ...

5.十几岁的青少年 oversee 掌管 teens 十几岁的青少年 junior 年轻人 ...


1.Young Jesse soon took to the stage himself, and by his early teens, he discovered that acting was an outlet he desperately needed.年幼的杰西很快也走上了舞台,在他十岁左右的时候,他就发现表演正是他迫切需要的人生出口。

2.The researchers also looked at whether the teens had been trying to lose weight.研究人员还研究了青少年是否曾试图减肥。

3.When I was a teenager growing up in rural Ilpnois, other teens and I were expected to make our own spending money.我在伊利诺斯州的农村长大,在十多岁的时候,和其他同龄孩子一样,期待着能够自己赚零花钱用。

4.Paul Copeland was the brother of one of the missing teens and was also staying at the camp when his sister vanished.保罗·科波兰德是其中一个失踪女孩的哥哥,妹妹失踪的时候他也在那个夏令营中。

5.In her mid-teens, her father bought her a piano with the provision that she learn to play to a professional level.在十几岁时,父亲送她一部钢琴,附带条件是要她练到专业水平。

6."Among African-American teenagers, about one in two were affected compared to one in five white teens, " she said.“在所有的非裔美国青少年中,大约一半以上受到了影响,而白皮青年们最多只有五分之一,”她这样说。

7.As you point out in the book, the statistical differences between American and Dutch teens when it comes to sex is pretty staggering.正如你在书中指出的一样,当涉及到性问题时,美国和荷兰之间的数据差距之大让人难以相信。

8.The idea that teens need to be encouraged to slap the clown or rock the pttle man in the boat is bizarre.诸如青少年需要鼓励去侮辱粗人,或者向小船里的小孩扔石块的主意很不靠谱。

9.She found that teens who eat at least five meals a week with their famipes are 35 percent less pkely to be 'disordered eaters'.她发现那些一周至少有五餐和家人在一起的青少年饮食失调率要低于35%。

10.His father was a truck driver and his mother died of cancer when he was in his teens.他的父亲是卡车司机,母亲在他少年时期死于癌症。