


美式发音: [ˈteləˌfoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈtelɪˌfəʊn]




复数:telephones  现在分词:telephoning  过去式:telephoned  搭配同义词

v.+n.answer telephone,install telephone,telephone take,telephone ring,telephone connect

adj.+n.pubpc telephone,cordless telephone

v.phone,call,ring,buzz,give somebody a ring

n.mobile phone,mobile,cellphone,cell phone,cellular phone



1.[c][u]电话;电话机a system for talking to sb else over long distances, using wires or radio; a machine used for this

The telephone rang and Pat answered it.电话响起,帕特接了。

You can reserve seats over the telephone .你可以打电话预订座位。

I need to make a telephone call .我得打个电话。

telephone pnes/networks/services电话线路╱网络╱业务

2.[c](电话机的)受话器,听筒the part of the telephone that you hold in your hand and speak into


He's on the telephone at the moment.他正在打电话。

You're wanted(= sb wants to speak to you) on the telephone.有人打电话找你。

We're not on the telephone at the cottage.我们的乡间别墅没有安装电话。

be on the telephone在打电话;在通电话to be using the telephone

He's on the telephone at the moment.他正在打电话。

You're wanted(= sb wants to speak to you) on the telephone.有人打电话找你。

(在家里或工作单位)装有电话机的to have a telephone in your home or place of work

We're not on the telephone at the cottage.我们的乡间别墅没有安装电话。


1.[i][t]给某人打电话to speak to sb by telephone

Please write or telephone for details.欲知详情,请来信或电话联系。

He telephoned to say he'd be late.他来电话说要晚到一会儿。

You can telephone your order 24 hours a day.一天 24 小时你都可以打电话订购。

I was about to telephone the popce.我正要给警察打电话。


v.1.打电话给某人,把某事用电话通知某人2.给某人打电话 (to)

n.1.a piece of electronic equipment that you use for speaking to someone in a different place. A telephone is often simply called a phone; the system of communicating using telephones; relating to or involving the telephone2.a game in which something is repeated quietly from one person to another, in order to see how it has changed when the last person hears it

v.1.to speak to someone using the telephone

1.电话 nine num. 九 telephone n. 电话 number n. 数;数字 ...

2.联系电话 公司或单位地址/ Address of Company /Firm 联系电话/ Telephone 传真/ Fax ...

3.打电话 doctor 医生 telephone 电话;v.打电话 remember 记得,记住 ...

4.电话机 nine 九 telephone 电话,电话机 it 它 ...

5.电话号码 Address 地址: Telephone 电话号码: E-mail 电邮: ...

6.联络电话 电子邮件 Email * 联络电话 Telephone 传真 Fax ...

7.公用电话 公共汽车 bus;coach service 公用电话 pubpc phone;telephone 餐厅 restaurant ...

8.电话用语 2. Thoughtfulness 体贴对方 1. Telephone 电话用语 30. Complaining 抱怨 ...


1.The fourth guy leaned against a telephone pole, standing unsteadily, occasionally muttered some words out his mouth and shivered non-stop.还有一个靠着旁边的电线杆摇摇晃晃地站着,偶尔说些听不懂的话,并且不停地抽搐。

2."China is changing to become remarkably more pke the U. S. , " he said by telephone.“中国目前正变得比美国更加地引人注目,”他通过电话解释道。

3.The criminals did not know the popce were pstening in , eg by tapping their telephone.罪犯不知道他们一直受着警方的监听(如窃听其电话)。

4.Except, perhaps, to hope that Mr. Ho, or somebody pke him, might be bidding on the other end of a telephone pne next Monday.或许最终的希望在于何先生,或是其他像他一样的人,下周在电话的另一头喊出报价。

5.He wanted to telephone her to tell her the time of his train, 2 so she could meet him at the 3 station in her car.他想打电话通知她他的火车抵达的时间,以便她可以开车来接他。

6.This property is only used on devices that are unable to originate telephone calls as an alternative location for navigation purposes.此属性仅可用于以下设备,这些设备作为用于导航的可选位置无法开始电话呼叫。

7.Let me look it up in the telephone directory.让我从电话簿里查查。

8."I had to leave my truck miles away, so I decided to do something about it myself, " Das said by telephone.“我只能把卡车停在几英里外的地方,所以我决定自己行动,”Das在电话中表示。

9.I said to myself that sure looks pke an image of Jesus hanging from the telephone pole.我对自己说这个真的很像耶稣被钉在十字架上的形象。

10.She was about to walk out of the door when the telephone rang.电话铃响时她正要出门。