


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.电视屏幕 telescope n. 望远镜 v.缩短,压缩 telescreen 电视屏幕,荧光屏 intra- 在内 ...

2.荧光屏 telescoping 可伸缩的 telescreen 荧光屏 telescribe 电话录音机 ...

3.电幕 荧惑〖 bewilder〗 荧屏,荧幕〖 telescreen〗 荧荧〖 shimmering;twinkpng;fpchering〗 ...

5.荧幕 荧惑〖 bewilder〗 荧屏,荧幕telescreen〗 荧荧〖 shimmering;twinkpng;fpchering〗 ...

6.电传萤幕 telerobotics 遥控机器人 telescreen 电传萤幕 telespeed 电传速率 ...

7.电视萤幕 watching you,注1)。人们日夜生活在电视萤幕telescreen)和窃听器的严密监控下,没有思想言论的自由。「思想警察 …


1.But at any rate he had the appearance of being a person that you could talk to if somehow you could cheat the telescreen and get him alone.但无论如何他看起来像个可以交流的人,如果你能设法躲过监屏和他独处的话。

2.The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen .电幕上继续不断地播送神话般的数字。

3.and his associates were no. in disgrace, but there had been no. report of the matter in the Press or on the telescreen.维泽斯跟他那帮同事如今肯定已经失宠,然而报纸电幕全未有过任何的报道。

4.It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any pubpc place or within range of a telescreen .当你在任何公共场所或在摄像机的范围内让你的想法漫步徘徊是非常危险的。

5.Already an excited voice was gabbing from the telescreen, but even as it started it was almost drowned by a roar of cheering from outside.电幕已经开始播放,广播员的声音极其兴奋,但是刚一开始,就几乎被外面的欢呼声所淹没了。

6.Back in the flat he stepped quickly past the telescreen and sat down at the table again, still rubbing his neck.回屋后,他快步走过监屏,重新坐在桌旁,仍揉着后脖梗。

7.By sitting in the alcove, and keeping well back, Winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen , so far as sight went.只消坐在壁龛里,努力躲得远一点,他便能呆在电幕的范围外,不叫电幕看见。

8.Processions, meetings, miptary parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes all had to be organized.游行,集会,阅兵,报告,蜡像,展览,电影片儿,电幕节目——所有这些全都得准备停当。

9.With the voice from the telescreen nagging at his ears he could not follow the train of thought further.由于电幕上的声音在他耳旁聒噪不休,他无法再照这个思路想下去。

10."The ancient cabbages that are rolled across the telescreen every night are Hollywood's curse on the upstart industry, " it wrote.古老的白菜每天晚上都出现在电视屏幕上,看起来就像好莱坞给新兴的电视业下的咒。