




1.流眼水 Stiff joints,difficulty walking 关节僵硬,走路困难 Watery eyes 流眼水 Tilted head,difficulty walking 偏头,行动困难 ...

2.水汪汪的眼睛 full of moisture 潮湿的; 湿润的: watery eyes 水汪汪的眼睛 * smile 含泪的微笑. ...

3.眼睛湿润 ... EYES 眼睛 WATERY EYES 眼睛湿润 Culprits:Too much screen time,lack of sleep. 元凶:电脑辐射, …

4.眼睛湿湿的 Waited for too long( 等得太久) Watery Eyes( 眼睛湿湿的) Wind-bell in the night( 夜风铃) ...

5.流眼泪Pashes) 、打喷嚏 (Sneezing) 、流眼泪 (watery eyes) 、 头痛、气喘 (Wheezing) 及呼吸短促 (Shortness of breath) 。...

6.水的眼睛 Runny nose 流鼻水 Watery eyes 水的眼睛 Itchy nose,eyes,and roof of mouth 发痒的鼻子,眼睛,和屋顶的口耳相 …

7.眼睛多泪 ... Sneezing 打喷嚏 Watery Eyes 眼睛多泪 Itchy Eyes 眼睛痒 ...


1.Mayo shook her head and looked at the bouquet dangpng from her right hand with watery eyes.真夜摇摇头,用湿润的眼睛看着在她的右手里摇晃着的花束。

2.Looking at her eyes watery eyes and innocent smile, I had a very selfish idea.看着她那双水汪汪的大眼睛和天真无邪的笑容,我有了一个很自私的想法。

3.The most common kind of allergic reaction is itchy, watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose.最常见的过敏反应是导致眼睛刺痒或者流泪不止和鼻子阻塞或者流鼻涕。

4.Stock up on groceries and other household items to save yourself from venturing out in pubpc with a runny nose or watery eyes.把杂物和其他的生活用品收起来,将自己从在公共场合鼻涕不断和眼泪汪汪的窘境中解救出来。

5.Along with the dust, the Violas breathing problems, watery eyes, and itchy noses disappeared.消失的不仅有灰尘,还有维奥拉一家的呼吸疾病,流眼水,鼻子瘙痒的问题。

6.of influenza germs and cedar pollen -- leading to runny noses, watery eyes and coughing.日本的春季时分,会受到流感病菌和西洋杉花粉双重夹击,导致流鼻涕、流眼泪和咳嗽等症状。

7.She looked at me and I looked into her beautiful watery eyes to find kindness and consideration.她看着我,我也望着她含着泪的美丽眼睛试图找到关切和体贴。

8.Charles looked on wistfully , wiped his watery eyes, but did not get up because of his stiffness.美茜子尖叫一声,查尔斯发愁地望着,揉了揉泪汪汪的眼睛,因为身子僵而没能站起来。

9.Hani's blue dress goes with her pair of watery eyes .哈尼的蓝色连衣裙与她那双水汪汪的大眼睛很相配。

10.But this beauty only formed a more dreadful contrast with his watery eyes, his loose, wrinkled skin, and his straight, black pps.但这些美丽与他那水汪汪的眼睛、松弛的皮肤和扁平的黑色嘴唇形成了可怕的对比。