


美式发音: [ˈtemp(ə)rəˌtʃʊr] 英式发音: [ˈtemprɪtʃə(r)]



复数:temperatures  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high temperature,low temperature,normal temperature,constant temperature,average temperature




1.温度;气温the measurement in degrees of how hot or cold a thing or place is

high/low temperatures高温;低温

a fall/drop in temperature气温下降

a rise in temperature气温升高

The temperature has risen (by) five degrees.温度升高了五度。

Heat the oven to a temperature of 200˚C(= degrees centigrade ) .使烤箱的温度升至 200 摄氏度。

Some places have had temperatures in the 40s(= over 40˚ centigrade ) .有些地方气温曾经超过 40 摄氏度。

2.体温the measurement of how hot sb's body is

to take sb's temperature(= measure the temperature of sb's body using a special instrument)量体温

Does he have a temperature(= is it higher than normal, because of illness) ?他发烧吗?

She's running a temperature(= it is higher than normal) .她在发烧。

He's in bed with a temperature of 40˚.他卧病在床,高烧 40 摄氏度。


n.1.a measurement of how hot or how cold a place or object is. Temperature is measured in degrees Fahrenheit or centigrade, which is also called Celsius, using the symbol °2.the measurement of how hot your body is3.the amount of excitement that people feel in a particular situation

1.温度 阻性电流( Fundamental Resistive Current) 温度Temperature) 湿度( Humidity) ...

2.气温 STN - Station( 电台) TEMP - Temperature气温) TMW - Tomorrow( 明日) ...

3.体温 feel vi. 感觉 temperature n. 温度;体温 headache n. 头痛 ...

4.环境温度 124 外壳尺寸- -size 125 环境温度- -temperature 126 相对湿度- -relative humidity ...

5.使用温度范围 寿命 Life 使用温度范围 temperature 耐压 Withstand Voltage ...

6.水温 mutton 羊肉... temperature 温度, 发烧, 热度 ... vase 花瓶, 瓶... ...

8.温度传感器 Pressure 压力传感器 Temperature 温度传感器 Transistors 晶体管 ...


1.A non-contacting infrared thermometer was presented. A quick and accurate measurement of the surface temperature for an object was reapzed.研制了非接触式热释电红外测温仪,实现了对物体表面温度快速准确的测量;

2.Outside, the temperature, which had been below freezing for the past week, had shot up to the fifties.室外的温度在过去一星期里一直在零下,但那天却猛升到零上十多度。

3.Vegetables contain rich vitamins, mineral substance and Dietary Fiber, but easy to spoil at ordinary temperature.蔬菜富含维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,但在常温下容易腐败变质。

4.Zinc at room temperature, the surface easy to generate a protective film, so The largest use of zinc are used in galvanized industry.锌在常温下表面易生成一层保护膜,所以锌最大的用途是用于镀锌工业。

5.Some of the movements are the result of the choice to increase the temperature upon the surface of the earth to balance it out global wide.有一些地壳运动是我们选择来升高地表温度以在全球平衡的结果。

6.Temperature is often monitored at several locations, so a scanner is required to switch the measuring instrument to multiple sensors.通常需要在多个位置监测温度,所以就需要一个扫描仪将测量仪器切换至多个传感器。

7.The next question we are trying to address is whether they really have different temperature sensitivity.我们要解决的下一个问题是它们是否真的对不同温度敏感。

8.primarily carbon dioxide and methane, have on Earth's temperature when they build up in the atmosphere and trap the sun's heat.主要成分是二氧化碳及甲烷,它拥有地球的温度,它们增强逐渐形成并从大气中吸收太阳的热量。

9."You tend to place it in a large metal pot over a camping stove, keeping it at a low temperature, " he said.“你把这玩意儿放入一个大的金属锅,搁在野炊炉上,同时保持低的温度,”他说。

10.Heat wave will not subside soon, is expected to abnormal high temperature will continue a week or two.热浪短期内还不会消退,预料反常的高温将持续一、二周。