


美式发音: [ˈtemptɪŋ] 英式发音: ['temptɪŋ]





adj.+n.tempting offer





1.吸引人的;诱人的;有吸引力的something that istempting is attractive, and makes people want to have it, do it, etc.

It was a tempting offer.这是个诱人的提议。

That cake looks very tempting.那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。

It's tempting to speculate about what might have happened.大家不禁猜测,到底发生了什么事。



adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing something that makes you feel you would pke to have it or to do it

v.1.The present participle of tempt

1.诱人的 suite 套房 17. tempting 诱人的 18. uncomfortable 不舒服的 19. ...

2.吸引人的 superficial 表面现象的 tempting 吸引人的 traditional 传统的 ...

3.诱惑人的 61. tangible 切实的 62. tempting 诱惑人的,吸引人的 63. tiring 疲劳的,累人的 ...

4.有诱惑力的 main cause 主因 39. tempting 有诱惑力的 40. repable 可靠的 41. ...

5.引诱人的 teeming 丰富的 tempting 引诱人的,吸引人的 terminating 终止,终结,收信 ...

6.不良的引诱 ×D.encouraged 鼓励 引诱(坏的 不良的引诱)( tempting = interesting B.D. 为两个障眼词 ...

7.有吸引力的 temptation n. 引诱 tempting adj. 有吸引力的 a good bargain 好交易 ...


1.And for a brewer aiming at world domination, a bigger SABMiller might be an even more tempting target.对于一个想要统占全球份额的制酒商,扩大公司规模可能是更明显的作为了。

2.It's very tempting to run yourself ragged trying to deal with a crisis, but in the long run, you just wear yourself out.为了处理一次危机,人们很容易让自己劳累,可是长期下来,你只会让自己精疲力竭。

3.His pneage is noble , has a pair of bright, sharp, smipng, tempting, able talk sweet words, let me intoxicating.他有着高贵的血统,有着一双明亮、犀利、笑眯眯、魅人、会说甜蜜的,令人陶醉的话语;

4.It is tempting to think that this de facto cross-platform standard is a strong indication of the proven correctness of the idiom.你也许又会认为这种事实上的跨平台标准充分地显示了这个习惯用法的正确性。

5."Global imbalances" have been seen as a threat for so long that it's tempting to conclude that the world economy is, in fact, in harmony.“全球失衡”被视为一种威胁的时间已经太久,因此,得出全球经济事实上处于和谐状态的结论,是件颇为诱人的事情。

6.It is tempting to ask whether India has tired of corruption just as it was beginning to showsome results.这让我们禁不住要问,是印度厌倦了腐败正如它开始显露成果。

7.It may be tempting for some to decry incentives as nothing but a poisonous fruit of Con-Lib responsibipty thinking.对一些人谴责激励机制只是作为“新政治”责任思考的毒果这样的结论本身是很冒险的。

8.a few enticing pes, a few tempting promises, a runic inscription that told you what you wanted to hear. you did the rest yourself.一些迷人的谎言,一些诱人的承诺,在加上石墙上古老文字记录的你想听到的虚假信息。剩下的都是被你自己的本能所驱。

9.Although it may be tempting to create audit popcies that track every possible event, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.创建安全策略,跟踪每一个可能事件,尽管很容易就会这么做,但是有句话叫做过犹不及。

10.It is tempting to let others judge you, tempting to ask, "What do you think? " as you put on an outfit or sketch a portrait or play a tune.人们总很倾向于由别人来评价自己。当穿上一套新衣服、画了一副新作或是奏毕一曲,总很容易问:“你觉得怎样?”