


美式发音: [ˈmænɪdʒəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mænɪdʒəb(ə)l]




Adj.+n.manageable size





1.可操纵的;可处理的possible to deal with or control

Use conditioner regularly to make your hair soft and manageable.经常使用护发剂来使你的头发柔软而且易于梳理。

The debt has been reduced to a more manageable level.债务减到了比较能够应付的程度。


adj.1.able to be dealt with or controlled easily

1.易管理的 revision n. 修订,修改 manageable a. 易管理的 spppery a. 滑的;圆滑的 ...

2.可管理的 drinkable( 能喝的), manageable可管理的), inevitable( 不可避免的), ...

3.易处理的 )imposed 强加,征税 )manageable 易处理的, 易管理的, )compel 强迫, 迫使 ...

4.易控制的 transient a. 短暂的, 瞬时的 manageable a. 易控制的 rust v. (使) 生锈 ...

5.可处理的 lavishly ad. 浪费地,丰富地 manageable a. 可管理的,可处理的,易控制的 mask n. 假面具, ...

6.可以设法的 ②all-round 全面的;才能多方面的 ③manageable 可以设法的;应变的 ·Notice 通知 ...

7.可以管理的 ... (to) 应用,适用; manageable:a. 可以处理的,可以管理的 measurable:a. 可以测 …


1.Judges upholding the suit said the large number of affected women didn't matter and that the suit would be manageable.赞同该诉讼的法官表示,人数众多的被涉及女性作为原告并不存在问题,诉讼仍具有可操作性。

2.To present a large set of data in manageable sets, the requirement is often to present only a subset of data per page.在可管理的组中表示一大组数据,提供每页数据的子集是经常的需求。

3.And with economic friction becoming just a bit more manageable, attention can and should move to broader strategic issues.随着经济摩擦变得更加可控,双方的注意力可以而且应该转向全局性的战略问题。

4.You are not allowed to delete the last administrator work item, since the corresponding instance object must remain manageable.不允许删除最后一个管理员工作项,这是因为相应的实例对象必须保持能够管理。

5.It won't completely prevent a hangover, but it will make it a hell of a lot more manageable.虽然喝水不会完全预防宿醉,不过它能让宿醉的影响大大降低。

6.Don't attempt to do your entire budget in one sitting. Take a few days, breaking the work down into manageable pieces.不要试图一次就想搞定你全部的预算计划。花几天时间,把这个工作分成可以控制的几个部分。

7.If the wind changes and pushes the spck west towards Texas's beaches, that might be manageable.即使风向发生轻微变化,浮油向西漂到数个得州海滩,威胁也或许易于处置。

8.In Europe, delays in admitting that Greece borrowed too much turned what might have been a difficult but manageable problem into a calamity.在欧洲,由于迟迟不肯承认希腊借了太多的债,结果一个困难但却还有能力解决的问题演变成了一场灾难。

9.bicable bookbinding and included manageable size compared durable, is often used for dishes and so on.双线装订和活页塑料夹装订的书比较经久耐用,通常用于菜谱等。

10.Low-balpng starts out with a small, manageable request that the potential favor-doer will agree to.“虚报低价”以一个小的,可控制的,助人者会同意的请求开始。