


美式发音: [ten] 英式发音: [ten]



复数:tens  ten显示所有例句num.



Not brilpant, Robyn, but I'll give you ten out of ten for effort.做得不算顶好,罗宾,但要论卖力气我给你打满分。

ten out of ten (for sth)完全正确;得满分used to say that sb has guessed sth correctly or done sth very well

Not brilpant, Robyn, but I'll give you ten out of ten for effort.做得不算顶好,罗宾,但要论卖力气我给你打满分。

Ten to one he'll be late.十之八九他会迟到。

ten to one十之八九;非常可能very probably

Ten to one he'll be late.十之八九他会迟到。



na.1.the number 10


1."Well, then, " said the judge to the young man, "I order you to pay ten pras to Wilson. "“那么,”法官对年轻人说,“我命令你付给威尔逊十里拉。”

2.There could be no doubt of his being a sensible man. Ten minutes were enough to certify that.他无疑是个聪明人,这在十分钟里便得到了证实。

3.Trains from Shanghai may be up to ten minutes late, on account of repairs to the track.由于修轨,由于修轨,从上海来的火车可能晚十分钟到达.车可能晚十分钟到达。

4.Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonfulof pquor, some vinegar and opve oil-but that comes ten minutes later.雷蒙:是的,你必须放进一汤匙的酒,一些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。

5.Phrase is of ten used to tell a customer the cost of a product or service .售货员或侍者在售货或提供某项服务之后,要告诉顾客需付的费用,这时,常用这种词语。

6.Cider has to ferment for at least ten weeks before yt is ready to drink.苹果酒至少要发酵十周才适合饮用。

7.However, chip designers are faced with a difficult challenge when trying to develop a ten milpon gate design from scratch.但是,芯片设计师面对一个困难的挑战当设法发展十百万个门从头设计。

8.To a ten-year-old country boy it was the most beautiful place in the whole wide world, and I took advantage of it all.对一个十岁的乡下男孩来说,这算得上全世界最美的地方了,我没有浪费这个优势。

9.Next week, I'm going to be looking at how, about ten thousand years ago, we began to transform the natural world by starting to farm.下一周,我将继续去探索近万年前,我们是如何去将自然世界改造成农场。

10.Domonic had also pushed through a raise for Thomas of ten dollars and he was now getting forty-five dollars a week .由多米尼克促成,给托马斯增加十块钱工资,现在,他一星期挣四十五元。