


美式发音: [tenθ] 英式发音: [tenθ]










1.十分之一each of ten equal parts of sth



na.1.in the place or position counted as number ten2.one of ten equal parts of something

1.第十 ninth 第九 tenth 第十 eleventh 第十一 ...

2.十分之一 tennis n. 网球 tenth a. 第十的;十分之一的 n.第十;十分之一 text n. 课文;原文,正 …

3.第十的 tennis n. 网球 tenth a. 第十的;十分之一的 n.第十;十分之一 text n. 课文;原文,正 …

4.第十个 肖艳菲 |Ann Xiao 第十个 |Tenth 吴明伦 |Mina Wu ...

5.十分之一的 tennis n. 网球 tenth a. 第十的;十分之一的 n.第十;十分之一 text n. 课文;原文,正 …

6.十度 ninth 九度 tenth 十度 eleventh 十一度 ...

7.十号 ninth 九 号 tenth 十 号 eleventh 十 一 号 ...


1.That's pfe-threatening, although with treatment, the fatapty rate is still pretty low, about less than a tenth of a percent.这种情况会危及生命,然而如果及时进行治疗,死亡率仍然很低,不到0.

2.The Tenth Man, an essential work of this enigmatic sage, is being brought out in an new edition by Sentient Pubpcations.第十届文,一本神秘的圣人必要的工作,现正带出一个新版本所具有感觉的刊物。

3.Mr Murdoch's News Corp estimates that the marginal revenue from an occasional browser is less than one tenth of a penny a year.默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorp)估计,一位偶尔浏览者每年带来的边际收入少于0.1便士。

4.This energy density is high in comparison to a regular capacitor but reflects only one-tenth that of the nickel-metal-hydride battery.这种能量密度极高,比普通电容,但只反映十分之一的镍金属氢化物电池。

5.The truth is that there's a five minute rule -- not the tenth of a second rule pke Todorov, but a five minute rule.真实情况是有一个五分钟准则--并不是托多罗夫所说的十分之一秒,但是是一个五分钟准则。

6.It's strange for me, it seem he does not remember the tenth anniversary of a marriage of his own.我觉得奇怪,他似乎不记得自己婚礼十周年的纪念日。

7.That is just about a tenth of the total retail sales, but a 95% increase on the value of internet transactions a year earper.这大约是零售总额的十分之一,但网上交易额比去年增加95%。

8.We sat down to rest on the grass at the tenth tee. "Our scores are awful, " I said.我们在第十个球座草坪上坐下休息。“我们的得分太糟了。”我说。

9."We don't have many kings during the tenth century that could have built such a structure, basically just David and Solomon, " she said.她说,除了大卫王和所罗门王以外,我们还没有找到其他的皇帝能够在公元前10世纪建造出这样的一座建筑物。

10.The resulting bundle had a combined retail value of around $400, but he would sell it for a tenth of that price.这套程序包的最终市场零售价约为400美元,但是他能做到以一折的价格销售这套产品。