




1.几点 time n. 时间 what time 几点;什么时候 go to school 去上学 ...

2.什么时候 time n. 时间 what time 几点;什么时候 go to school 去上学 ...

3.什么时间 whose sweater 谁的毛衣 what time 什么时间 in the afternoon 在下午 ...

4.几点钟 all night 一整晚上 what time 几点钟,什么时候 get to 到达 ...

5.何时 何人 : who 何时 : what time;when 何处 : what place;where ...

6.问时间 what 什么 问东西 what time 什么时间 问时间 what colour 什么颜色 问颜色 ...

7.询问时间 how much( 询问价格) what time询问时间,尤其是点钟) what kind of( 询问种类) ...


1.Eavesdroppingm on a young man who was telpng his mother what time he went to bed the previous night, I rejoiced in my situation.偷听到一个年轻男子告诉他妈妈他昨晚几点上床睡觉,我为我的情况而欣喜。

2.I do not know the name of your university, you do not know the company's name, let alone what time you graduate, what degree, etc.我不知道你大学的名字,也不知道你公司的名字,更不用说你读什么学位,拿过什么学位等等更细致的资料。

3.The weather is often a topic of conversation, regardless of where people pve or what time of year it is.无论何时何地,通常天气是人们讨论的话题。

4.What time dose the bus leave for the airport? --I don't know. It used to leave every half hour, but I think the schedule's been changed.汽车几点开往飞机场?--我不知道,过去是半小时一趟。我想时间表可能变更了。

5.Make certain (that) you know what time the train leaves.你要弄清楚火车开出的确切时间。

6.pietro : i think i ' m free . let me check what time the morning session ends and i ' ll get back to you.皮埃特罗:我想我有空。让我看看早会什么时候结束,之后我再给你回复。

7.I was agonisingly close to leaving Russia but I had no idea where I should check in, or what time the ship would depart.对于将要离开俄罗斯我不无惆怅,但是我还没有弄清楚上船的码头在哪里,开船是什么时间。

8.I do not know what time I got to bed.我不知道我是几点钟上床的。

9.ve forgotten what time he said he had dinner last night.我忘记了他昨晚几点钟吃的晚饭了?

10.What movie? what theater? what time? If you were trying to make it impossible to locate you, You couldn't have done a better job.啥电影,啥影院,啥时候?如果你想要我追踪不到你,那你干得真是再好不过了。