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1.特伦斯 Stuart 斯图亚特 13、字母 Terence 特伦斯 Terry 特里 ...

2.泰伦斯2006-11-21 23:42 CBA广东东莞篮球队的 …

3.尹子维 Thomas 汤马士拉 Terence 特云妮亚 Septimus 沙天马 ...

5.泰伦提乌斯 Septimus 沙天马士 Terence 特罗伦斯 Patrick 柏积 ...


8.特朗丝 ... 特雷 Tere 特朗丝 Terence 特伦西奥 Terencio ...


1.Terence was no longer able to get in and out of bed alone, so I hired a health aide.特伦斯再也无法自主上下床,于是我雇了一名家庭护理士。

2.As the poet Terence, the Roman poet once said, he said, "The less my hope, the hotter my love. "就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的:“我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。”

3."It's been a phenomenal start to the year for the China market, " said Terence Chia, of Citigroup's Asian debt syndication team.“中国市场今年开局气势惊人,”花旗集团(Citigroup)亚洲债券银团承销业务部门的TerenceChia表示。

4.After Terence died, Flaherty drew me a picture of a bell curve, showing the range of survival times for people with kidney cancer.在特伦斯逝世后,弗拉哈迪给我绘制出一张正态曲线图,这幅图显示的是肾癌患者幸存时间的范围。

5.It was at the end of the meeting in Louisiana yesterday that ten-year-old Terence Scott asked his question.那是昨天在路易斯安那州的大会即将结束时,10岁的特伦斯·斯科特提出这一问题。

6.Terence Stampis one of the best-dressed men in London.特伦斯·斯坦姆普是伦敦最会穿衣的男士之一。

7.Terence sounded optimistic. "It's my dream, " he said. "Some day we're going to gig together. "特伦斯非常乐观。他说:“这就是我的梦想。我梦想总有一天我们会在一起在舞台上演奏音乐。”

8.Terence Tsang, head of the new brand, said it was the first time Levi's launched a new global brand outside of the U.该新品牌主管特伦斯表示,这是李维斯首次在美国之外发布新的全球品牌。

9.Her grandfather Frank was a boatman while Bepnda's father, Terence, was a steelworker and a hospital porter.她的祖父法兰克是一个船夫,而她的父亲,特伦斯是一个钢铁工人和一家医院的搬运工。

10.Harry saw it. In a great rush of excitement he dived downward after the streak of gold. Slytherin Seeker Terence Higgs had seen it, too.哈利看见飞贼了。他心里一阵激动,俯冲下去,追逐那道金色的流光。斯莱特林队的找球手特伦斯希金斯也看见了。