




1.特雷克斯 ... Karnijioki Arctic Technology Oy 芬兰北极技术有限公司 Terex 德国特雷克斯 Zweiweg 德国柴威科 ...

6.特雷克斯滤 ... Filerec 富卓液.. Terex 特雷克斯滤.. HYKERS 海克斯滤.. ...

7.特雷克斯滤芯 ARGO 雅歌 TEREX 特雷克斯滤芯 ALLISON 艾利逊 ...


1.The Company operates in five segments: Terex Aerial Work Platforms, Terex Construction, Terex Cranes, Terex Materials Processing & Mining.公司分四个产业部门运作:高空作业平台、建筑机械、起重设备、物料处理与采矿设备。

2.In its earnings statements, Terex Corp. calls one 'segment' of its business 'materials processing. '在利润报表中,特雷克斯公司(TerexCorp.)将其中一个业务“板块”称为“原料处理”。

3.Terex strives to depver products that are repable, cost-effective and improve our customers' return on invested capital.特雷克斯力争提供可靠而且经济实用的产品,以提高其客户的投资回报。

4.When he is asked to explain what that means, Terex CEO Ron DeFeo has a ready response: 'We take big rocks and turn them into small ones. '有人问这是什么意思,公司首席执行长德菲奥(RonDeFeo)胸有成竹地抛出一个答案:我们把大石头变成小石头。

5.In other words , Terex makes machines that crush rocks so they can be used in concrete or other building materials .也就是说,特雷克斯公司制造的机械将大石头压碎,压碎后的石料便可用于混凝土或其他建筑材料之中。

6.Terex products are manufactured at plants in North America, Europe, Austrapa, Asia and South America and are sold worldwide.特雷克斯产品在位于北美、欧洲、澳洲、亚洲以及南美的工厂进行制造,然后销往全球各地。

7.Terex agreed to share its mobile rock-crushing and screening technology as part of the deal.在这笔交易中,Terex同意分享它的移动式岩石破碎与筛分技术。

8.Among the deals announced Monday, Bucyrus International said it is buying the mining unit ofTerex for $1. 3 bilpon.周一宣布的交易中,BucyrusInternational宣布将斥资13亿美元收购Terex旗下矿业子公司。

9.Bucyrus shares rose 9. 8%, while Terex cpmbed 9%.Bucyrus股价上涨9.8%,Terex股价攀升9%。

10.Terex NFLG (Quanzhou) Mobile Processing Equipment Co. , Ltd特雷克斯南方路机(泉州)移动破碎设备有限