


美式发音: [ˈfʊltən] 英式发音: [ˈfultən]





un.1.town in central New York, north of Syracuse.

1.富尔顿St. Louis)与堪萨斯(Kansas)之间的福尔顿市(Fulton),整个校园占地共160 英亩,错落有致的47 栋南方建筑在优美自然环境中 …



1.Fulton Mayor Paul Walker told the BBC News website by telephone that the "community had had its nose rubbed in it a bit" .富尔顿市长保罗·沃克通过电话告诉BBC新闻网说,“社会有点过多地关注此事了”。

2.Robert Fulton said the first part of the trip was not exciting. He had traveled in much of Europe before.罗伯特.富尔顿说,他的最初旅行没有什么意思,因为此前他曾经到过欧洲的许多地方,唯一新鲜的是他的这辆新摩托车。

3.But each time, Mister Fulton was able to talk his way across the border.但每一次,富尔顿先生都能够凭借他自己的办法通过边境。

4.Bret Lewis of Fulton Innovation says his firm's technology could also be used for industrial apppcations, or to charge electric cars.来自FultonInnovation的BretLewis称他们公司研发的技术也能应用于工业设备,或者对电动汽车充电。

5.Many years later, Mister Fulton said this dinner party was the beginning of an eighteen month adventure.许多年后,富尔顿先生说,这次晚会是他为期十八个月的冒险旅行的开始。

6.Known as "the father of the ship, Robert Fulton is the mechanical engineer. "被人们称为“轮船之父”的罗伯特•富尔顿是美国机械工程师。

7.Within a few days of the dinner party, Robert Fulton began his preparations.在那次晚会后的几天里,罗伯特.富尔顿就开始了他的准备。

8.Robert Edison Fulton, Junior died at his home in Newtown, Connecticut at the age of ninety-five on May seventh, two thousand-four.罗伯特.爱迪生.富尔顿于2004年5月7日在康涅狄格州牛顿他的家中去逝,享年95岁。

9.A few weeks later, Robert Fulton found himself riding his new motorcycle out of London. He rode to the port of Dover.几周以后,罗伯特.富尔顿驾驶他的这辆新摩托车离开了伦敦,他驾车来到了多佛港,他乘船通过英吉利海峡。

10.Another invention earned Robert Fulton a special place in aviation history. He designed and built an airplane that was also a car.罗伯特.富尔顿的另一项发明使他在航空历史上获得了一个特殊的位置。