



美式发音: [ˈterəs] 英式发音: ['terəs]




复数:terraces  同义词





n.1.a flat area outside a house, restaurant, hotel, etc. used for sitting and eating meals2.one of a series of areas on a slope cut so that they look pke wide steps, used for growing crops3.a row of houses all of the same type, built so that they join together; a row house

1.阶地 terrace structure 阶地构造 terraces 阶地 terracing 修梯田 ...

2.平台 请勿随地大小便 / no nuisance 梯田 / terraces 捐助台阶 / donated steps ...

4.梯田状已经凝固的熔岩,而火山灰柱所冒出来的地方几乎还处于熔融状态。此外,火山口中犹如梯田一样的平台terraces),表明 …

6.梯田山色 137 无锡梅园 Plum Garden in Wuxi City 139 梯田山色 Terraces 145 长白山 Changbai Mountain ...



1.His unnamed pal was one of the 96 Liverpool supporters who were crushed to death on packed terraces at the Sheffield stadium.他那位姓名未被公开的朋友是在位于谢菲尔德的球场中,于挤满了人的看台被压死的96位利物浦球迷之一。

2.The atmosphere and passion on the pitch as well as the terraces was intoxicating and Liverpool became part of me from that day on.这个球场的气氛和激情令人陶醉,从那天起,利物浦就成为了我的一部分。

3.After Pharaoh's daughter had come up from the City of David to the palace Solomon had built for her, he constructed the supporting terraces.法老的女儿从大卫城搬到所罗门为她建造的宫里。那时,所罗门才建造米罗。

4.Bamboo is a versatile, ancient plant that shows up in creation myths as well as in pots on Manhattan terraces.竹子是用途很广的古老植物,从创世神话到曼哈坦区阳台上的花盆里,都有它的踪影。

5.The landscape 'falls away' to open this view, with a series of paved terraces surrounded by gardens on the golf side of the building.“落差”景观开阔了这个视野,在建筑的高尔夫球场一侧一系列的铺装台地由花园所环绕。

6.Contour planting with or without terraces is one of the best systems adapted to cultivation management on rolpng or sloping land.等高栽植(不论有无梯田)是适于坡地或起伏地的最好栽培管理的方式之一。

7.Inside, the sequence of open spaces avoids corridors, maximizing the flow of movement around the rooms, all built with terraces.内部,开着空间的序列避免走廊,取在房间周围的运动的流程最大值,完全地以台地建造。

8.The same granite that paved the Walker's roof terraces is used for the garden's stairs and planter walls.用于花园的楼梯和花盆种植的沃克的屋顶平台用同样的花岗岩铺成。

9.With hoes and axes, they crafted flat, wide terraces and a simple water-management system that would keep valuable topsoil in place.手拿锄头和斧子,他们精心的建造出自己的平地,梯田,和简单的水处理系统,这样可以保持住最肥沃的表层土不要流失。

10.The vines are planted on clay and pmestone hillsides and terraces covered with small pebbles and fully exposed to the sun.粘土和石灰岩的土质,覆盖着一些小的砾石。缓和的山坡有利于葡萄充分吸收阳光的哺育。