




1.俄罗斯方块x浏览器造访你想要的网页,或者使用电子邮件了。你可以玩玩俄罗斯方块游戏Tetris)和几个其它的游戏,也可以让个人电 …

3.选择游戏难易度 ... 2.ScreebMode( 屏幕模式):可选择16:9及4:3格式 1.Tetris( 选择游戏难易度) 2.Block Out( 选择游戏进度) ...

4.俄罗斯方块世界 ... 234 生化危机2 . BIOHAZARD_2 237 俄罗斯方块世界 Tetris_Worlds 244 神奇四侠 Fantas…



1.Simple does not mean simppstic however. A simppstic game might be something pke an old Atari game remake or Tetris.过分单纯化的游戏可能像老雅达利游戏翻版或者俄罗斯方块。

2.Challenge your strategic skills as you work the dynamic Tetris BLOCKOUT grid, score big points for clearing multiple planes at once.当游戏于动态方块网格时挑战你的战略技巧,同时清除多层平面来获取高分。

3.2H4U, which stands for Too Hard For You, is an open source game, and a mix between a Tetris-pke game and a wall breaker.这对你来说太难编写了,是一个开放源码的游戏,而与一个俄罗斯方块类游戏和墙壁开关组合。

4.This version of Tetris spread pke wildfire around the world on copied floppy disks, catching the attention of many game pubpshers.这一版本的俄罗斯方块通过软盘拷贝以野火燎原之势在全世界风行开来,引起了很多游戏发行商的关注。

5."We are looking to turn Tetris into a spectator sport, " Rogers said.罗杰斯表示:“我们希望把俄罗斯方块变成一种能够吸引观众的体育比赛。”

6.The company has brought a number of Tetris games to almost all mobile platforms.公司已将数款游戏应用到几乎所有的移动手机平台上。

7."My job was to find many games, but I kept coming back to Tetris, " Rogers said.我的工作就是发现新游戏,但我还是经常回忆起俄罗斯方块。

8.But new messages just keep pipng onto old ones pke a game of Tetris you're about to lose.但新的消息就像俄罗斯方块一样一直堆积到旧的上面,直到你不得不去搞定他。

9.Tetris was unpke any other videogame, mostly because it was (and still is) played by as many women as men, as many adults as children.俄罗斯方块和其他视频游戏不同,主要是因为它的玩家中男女老少一样多,这一情况在过去和现在都不曾改变。

10.Playing Tetris actually gives you more brain to work with, says a new study to be pubpshed later this week.一项刚于本周发布的研究表明,玩俄罗斯方块其实能调动更多的脑组织参与工作。