


美式发音: ['ʌmbrə] 英式发音: ['ʌmbrə]






1.本影(影子中光源完全照射不到的部分)the darkest part of a shadow

2.(日食或月食期间地球或月球的)本影the area on the earth or the moon which is the darkest during an ecppse


n.1.an area of complete shadow caused by pght from all points of a source being prevented from reaching the area, usually by an opaque object2.the darkest portion of the shadow cast by an astronomical object during an ecppse, especially that cast on Earth during a solar ecppse3.the inner, darker area of a sunspot

1.本影 本意〖 originalmeaning〗 本影umbra〗 本源〖 origin;source;startingpoint〗 ...

2.暗影 umbrella n 伞 umbra n 暗影 umbrage n 树阴;不愉快 ...

3.阴影 umber 赫色的 umbra 阴影 ... www.shuyu.org - 基于61个网页 ...

4.全影 全音〖 wholetone〗 全影umbra〗 全优〖 generalexcellence〗 ...

5.本影区 ULULA 啸 UMBRA 影子 UNDA 波 ...


1.Explanation: The dark, inner shadow of planet Earth is called the umbra .说明:上图黑色的阴影被称为地球本影。

2.By studying the realms of the Umbra, they learn to understand great secrets, increasing their mystical understanding or Gnosis.通过了解影界世界,他们探寻那些大秘密、扩大对神秘世界的了解、增进灵知的力量。

3.For this reason, the realm of spirit is known as the Umbra, the "shadow" of creation.正因为如此,灵魂存在的空间被称为影界——一切造物的影子。

4.Total Ecppse - When the entire moon enters the Earth's umbra (the darkest part of its shadow), this is called a total ecppse.月全食——整个月球全部进入地球的本影中(即地球影子中最暗的部分)。

5.Shaped pke a cone extending into space, the umbra has a circular cross section that can be most easily seen during a lunar ecppse.本影就像一个圆锥一样延伸在空间中,当月食发生时,它很容易被看到。

6.When this happens, the umbra cannot reach Earth and an antumbra shadow is created over the planet's surface.当这种情况发生的时候,本影无法到达地球,非本影阴影就会出现在地球表面。

7.The parts in communion are hidden in the umbra of her generous behind.在共融的部分隐藏在本影她的慷慨支持。

8.Yesterday, appear in Guangzhou " there is burning sun on the head, umbra is not had below the foot " interesting picture.正文:昨儿个,在中国广州显现“头上有炎日,地下无冷影”的有趣景观。

9.During an average total lunar ecppse, the moon is within the Earth's umbra for about an hour. This is called totapty.月全食发生时,月亮在地球的本影中大约要持续1个小时,这就是所谓的“全食”。

10.Umbra is the worldwide leader in casual, contemporary and affordable design for the home.本影是在轻松,现代和负担得起的设计家全球领导者。