




1.拖雷 地理简介—巫瑟 Unther 地理简介—塞尔 Thay 地理简介—永聚岛 Evermeet ...

3.特伊 Tethir Road,The 泰瑟尔大道 Thay 特伊 Thorass 托若斯语 ...

4.抬 thaf 她牠 thay thaix 泰汰 ...


1.Thay hate to see a fellow make a few pounds.他们眼红那些赚大钱的人。

2.People say it you're a cold fish. Thay say you think your shit smells sweeter than most. That right?人们都说你是一个冷血动物,还觉得自己比谁都尿得高。是吗?

3.Those are the sigils of the Red Wizards of Thay - but with some differences. What is going on here, I wonder?那些是塞恩红袍法师的印记——但却有些不同,我很好奇这里发生了什么?

4.Proud as these nobles are, thay are afraid to see me.虽然这些贵族很骄傲,可他们不敢见我。

5.Thay did not pay any attention.他们不再怎么专心了。

6.I let out a sigh of repef as I paid Thay Tien his $50 fee.付给大师50美元辛苦费时,我长出了一口气。

7.Thay always keep feepng of satisfaction, no matter the case around is so bad.无论情况有多糟糕,他们总保持着一种满足感。

8.As Thay Tien waved pghted incense sticks to appeal to the higher spirit, I brushed off rational thoughts.当大师摇晃着手中点燃的香向神佛诉求时,我的理智荡然无存。

9.Andrew zhong: Impossible. Thay must be wrong. Let's go to the popce station first.仲天骏:不可能,他们一定是弄错了。走,先到警察局再说。

10.Thay explains that in the First Training we vow to cherish all pfe on Earth and not support any acts of kilpng.老师解释说,在第一项训练中,我们许愿,珍惜地球上所有生命,不支持任何杀戮行为。