




1.大英博物馆 the Capital Theatre 首都剧场 the British Museum 不列颠博物馆 the Louvre 罗浮宫 ...

4.英国大英博物馆 ... 台湾故宫博物院 The Palace Museum 1925 英国伦敦大英博物馆 The British Museum 1759 法国巴黎罗浮宫 Louvre …

7.大英博物院他还采集了标本送到大英博物院(the British Museum) ,让史前研究部的专家雷吉纳德 . 史密斯(Reginald Smith) 作鉴定研究。 …

8.第二名伦敦大英博物馆第二名伦敦大英博物馆(The British Museum) 第三名纽约大都会博物馆 第四名德国森根堡自然博物馆 第五名奥地利盔甲博物馆 …


1.The British Museum is a great building in London, not far from London University.英国博物馆是伦敦的一座巨大建筑,离伦敦大学不远。

2.The next day we visited the British Museum and had dinner in a Chinese restaurant!接下来的一天我们参观了大英博物馆然后在一个中国餐馆吃的晚餐。

3.Lunch here at the British Museum staff canteen has always been a pretty international affair.在大英博物馆职工餐厅里吃午餐,堪称是一件相当国际化的事情。

4.After months of waiting, the largest Terracotta Army exhibition outside China opened in London at the British Museum.经过了数月的期待,中国境外首次最大型的兵马俑展览在伦敦的大英博物馆开幕了。

5.Can be preserved in the British Museum a Swiss monk documents, which recorded in 1377 in poker, it had already spread to the Swiss.可英国博物馆里至今保存着一个瑞士僧侣的文件,里面记载扑克牌在1377年,就已经流传到瑞士了。

6.My first day in London started with a morning visit to the British Museum.我在英伦的第一天,始于晨访不列颠博物馆。

7.The British Museum, by contrast, was from the beginning intended to be not the story of these islands but a way of thinking about the world.相反,大英博物馆从一开始就无意讲述英伦诸岛的故事,而是要成为一种思考世界的方式。

8.In the British Museum, we've recently made a new chopping tool using the same techniques as would have been used in Olduvai Gorge.在大英博物馆里,效仿当年人类在奥杜威峡谷中采用的相同技术,我们最近也制造了一个新的石制砍砸器。

9.His first day in London started with a morning visit to the British Museum.抵达伦敦的第一天上午,他就去参观了大英博物馆。

10.At least 8, 000 people were removed from the British Museum on Saturday in what was described as a "gas" incident, BBC reported.据英国广播公司报道,至少8000名大英博物馆的游客当地时间周六因为一“毒气”事件被疏散。