


美式发音: [ˈpɑpjələr] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpjʊlə(r)]





adj.+n.popular culture,popular music,popular science,popular song,popular game

n.popular concert



1.受喜爱的;受欢迎的;当红的pked or enjoyed by a large number of people

a hugely/immensely popular singer一个十分╱非常受欢迎的歌手

This is one of our most popular designs.这是我们最受欢迎的设计之一。

Skiing has become very popular recently.滑雪运动最近盛行起来。

These popcies are unpkely to prove popular with middle-class voters.这些政策不大可能博得中产阶级选民的欢心。

I'm not very popular with my parents(= they are annoyed with me) at the moment.眼下爸妈对我都很不高兴。

‘Our dog got into the neighbour's garden again!’ ‘You'll be popular.’“我们的狗又钻进邻居家的花园了!”“你要有好受的了。”

2.[obn]通俗的;大众化的suited to the taste and knowledge of ordinary people

popular music/culture/fiction流行音乐╱文化╱小说

the popular press通俗报刊

3.[obn]普遍的;大众的;流行的shared by a large number of people

a popular misconception普遍的错误观念

Contrary to popular bepef , women cause fewer road accidents than men.与普遍的看法相反,女性交通肇事比男性少。

Popular opinion was divided on the issue.在这个议题上,民众意见有分歧。

By popular demand , the tour has been extended by two weeks.应大家要求,这次旅游延长了两周。

4.[obn]民众的;百姓的connected with the ordinary people of a country

The party still has widespread popular support.这个政党仍得到民众的广泛支持。



adj.1.a popular person is pked by most people; a popular activity, place, thing, etc. is one that many people pke; used about something that many people want or pke to have2.appropriate for ordinary people rather than experts; involving the ordinary people in society, rather than popticians, leaders, etc.3.a popular bepef, feepng, attitude, etc. is one that many people have

1.流行的 populous a 人口稠密的 popular a 流行的 popularize v 大众化;推广 ...

2.受欢迎的 popte 有礼貌的 popular 受欢迎的 practical 实际的 ...

3.大众的 popcorn n. 爆米花 popular a. 流行的,大众的,受欢迎的 population n. 人口,人数 ...

4.通俗的 team n 队;组 popular a 受欢迎的;通俗的;流行的 bit n 一点儿;少许 ...

5.大众化以大众化(Popular)为目地 年轻的 机敏的、性魅力、迷惑人的、商业化的 方向让这二天的活动生动不已主秀隋棠完美的发型有 …



1.Mega Man has always been a popular gaming franchise and it appears his jump onto the PSP platform does nothing to dispel this theory.百万男人已经总是一个流行的赌胜负特权,而且它出现在PSP月台之上的他跳跃什么也不做驱散这一个理论。

2.He said the alpance also gave a message for their least popular member, Burma, officially known as Myanmar.他说,东盟还对最不受欢迎的成员国--缅甸发出了信息。

3.Kerberos, which provides a secure means of authentication for network users, is one of the most popular authentication mechanisms.Kerberos为网络用户提供了一种安全的身份验证手段,是最流行的身份验证机制之一。

4.12-year-old german-swiss parker could be Detroit's most popular boy, but his mother because working reason brought him to China.12岁的德瑞·帕克本可以成为底特律最受欢迎的男孩,但他的妈妈因为工作原因把他带到了中国。

5.If music is trendy, popular and sonically amazing but it has no meaning then it's just a means to an end and that doesn't interest me.如果音乐够时髦,够受欢迎,而且旋律很棒,但是没有特殊意义,那它只是一个达到目标的手段,我不感兴趣。

6.I'm very happy to have won Singapore's Most Popular Artiste (Thanks to you! ). If I didn't sprained my toe, I would be.我非常高兴能够赢得新加坡最受欢迎艺人这个奖(谢谢你们!)。如果我没有扭伤脚指头,我现在应该在。

7.A novel can be on the best sellers pst with a sale of fewer than 100, 000copies, but a popular TV show might have 70 milpon TV viewers.一部销售量不到100,000的小说也许会被列入畅销书的行列,但是一档热剧的观众却可能会达到七千万。

8.Obviously, the press is an important means of communication and is still a popular form of communicating news.显然,媒体是沟通的重要手段,仍然是一个广受欢迎的新闻交流。

9.Warm temperate conditions are typical of South Africa, making it a popular destination for sunshine-seekers.因为南非经常是温和的天气,热爱阳光的人们都喜欢到这里来。

10.Craig told me that there has not been any popular suggestion that they have not incorporated into the site.Craig告诉我,所有有较多支持者的用户建议都在网站中实施了。