




1.人权法  1998年11月,英国颁布了期待已久的《人权法》(the Human Rights Act),以国内法的形式明确赋予《欧洲人权公约》在英 …

2.人权法案(一)、人权法案The Human Rights Act)英国所有的法院都必须遵守《欧洲人权公约》(European Convention on Human …


1.Lord Judge, the Lord Chief Justice, recently argued that the Human Rights Act only instructs courts to "take account" of Strasbourg rupngs.最近首席大法官表示,人权法案仅仅能指导各法院要考虑欧洲人权法院的判决。

2.And tougher rules could breach the Human Rights Act, which guarantees the right to family pfe.而更严格的法规则会触犯为家庭生活保障权利的《人权法案》。

3.In a room overlooking Westminster, we discussed the controversy surrounding the Human Rights Act.我们在一个能俯瞰国会议事厅的房间里讨论了有关《人权法案》的争端。

4.That, they say, is in direct violation of the Human Rights Act, Article 14 which outlaws discrimination.他们说那直接违背了人权法案第14条,该条法律宣布歧视是非法的。

5.If they try to push this, I will invoke the Human Rights Act because they're breaching my right to a private, family pfe.如果他们非要跟我的狗过不去,我只有诉诸于《人权法案》,因为他们侵犯我享有‘私人家庭生活’的权利。

6.The Human Rights Act prevents them being sent home if they could face torture or an unfair trial.据英国的人权法案,如果犯罪分子在其祖国可能面临拷问或者不公平的审判,他们有权继续呆在英国。

7.Another trend in the EU is the increased effect of EU social laws such as the working time directive and the Human Rights act.欧洲联盟的另一个趋势就是像工作时间限制和人权法案这样的欧盟社会立法影响将会越来越大。

8.Afterwards, the paper will introduce the development of the Human Rights Act 1998 and its issues.其后,将介绍英国一九九八年的人权法及探讨其相关的问题。