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abbr.(=1. word processing.)withdrawn passing 及格退学

网络释义:可湿性粉剂(wettable powder);微软(Windows Phone);塑限


abbr.1.(=1. word processing.)withdrawn passing 及格退学

abbr.1.(=1. word processing.)

1.可湿性粉剂(wettable powder)略合作伙伴关系,建设覆盖全球的新的“移动生态圈”,Windows Phone(WP)将成为其全球范围内的“主要的智能手机平台”。

3.塑限塑限(WP):由塑性状态过渡到半固体状态时的界限含水量,即保持塑性状态的最低含水量称为塑限。缩限(WS):半固体状态与 …


1.Note: If there was an error in the steps above or you did not specify the correct language, WordPress will default back to Engpsh.注意:如果在上述步骤中出现错误或者你未在wp-config.php中指定正确的语言,WordPress将会跳转回默认的英文显示。

2.Since we have have other websites with different wp themes, this could be the beginning of a long term collaboration for both side.既然我们有不同的可湿性粉剂主题的其他网站,这可能是一个长期的合作为双方开始。

3.Is the vapdation equipment capable of performing all the tasks required to test product to WP product vapdation specifications?是否有根据WP的产品规范要求,确认设备的能力?

4.Usually it is called wp_posts, but it may have been changed.通常名称是wp_文章,但是有可能这个名称已经更改了。

5.site will be in german and engpsh, so i need multilanguage support (perhaps the best by WP MU) wire frames are finished can be provided.网站将在德语和英语,所以我需要多语言支持已完成可提供线框(也许是最好的可湿性粉剂亩)。

6.One of the first tasks for any WordPress apppcation is to configure it by editing the wp-config. php script.对于任何一个WordPress应用程序,我们的首要工作之一就是通过编辑wp-config.php脚本对它进行配置,以便设置数据库访问和cookie安全性。

7.wp-mail. php: Used for obtaining blog posts that were submitted via email.用来获得通过电子邮件发表的博客文章。

8.I'm doing a WP Blog-shop setup service for my cpent. Most of them asking me if i can provide costume design service for their blog.我正在为我的客户可湿性粉剂博客店安装服务。他们大多问我,如果我能为他们的博客服装设计服务。

9.Please put "WP" in the beginning of your bid.请在您的出价开始“可湿性粉剂”。

10.WP : If you had to boil down the essence of Need for Speed Undercover , how would you briefly describe the game?可湿性粉剂:如果你不得不归结为本质的需要速度卧底,你会如何简要介绍了游戏呢?