




1.东方之珠 世界之都 the world city 东方之珠 the oriental pearl 文化之都 the city of culture ...

2.东方明珠 ... 与某人分享…… share sth. with sb. 东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl 购物天堂 Shopping Heaven ...

3.东方明珠塔东方明珠塔(The Oriental Pearl(TV)Tower Of Shanghai) - 详细资讯最新分享 爱评好好玩 服务中心 iPeen 爱评网 台中公益路异 …

4.香港以东方明珠香港以东方明珠The Oriental Pearl)和购物天堂(Shopping Heaven)而著称。那里楼房林立,街道干净。


1.The company is at the core area of SHANGHAI LUJIAZUI FINANCE &TRADE ZONE, closing to Jin Mao Tower, and the Oriental Pearl Television Tower.公司位于上海陆家嘴金融贸易区核心地带,毗邻东方明珠、金茂大厦。

2.I love the Oriental Pearl Tower which stand erect by the bank of Huangpu River .我喜欢耸立于黄浦江畔的东方明珠,也喜欢外滩。

3.The oriental pearl TV Tower is standing by the side of the huangpu river in Pudong . It is the tallest TV Tower in Asia.东方明珠电视塔位于黄浦江岸的浦东,它是亚洲最高的电视塔。

4.First, on behalf of my company, I warmly welcome all my distinguished guests from Austrapa to Shanghai and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.首先,我代表公司,我热烈欢迎我所有的各位嘉宾从澳大利亚到上海,东方明珠电视塔。

5.Here you will see he world' fastest means of land transportation, he maglev train, and the tallest tower in Asia, the Oriental Pearl Tower.这里有着世界上最快的陆地交通工具——磁悬浮列车和亚洲最高的高塔——东方明珠塔。

6.Located on the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower is now the symbol of the city.坐落于黄浦江畔,东方明珠电视塔现在的象征的城市。

7.The Oriental Pearl Tower of Shanghai stands as a lonely representative of modern Chinese architectural design.上海的东方明珠是中国建筑师设计的唯一代表。

8.It was a sunny day. Frist, I saw the Oriental Pearl Tower and visited the museum.那是一个晴朗的日子,首先,我去看了东方明珠塔和参观了博物馆。

9.Clerk: Look. It's the Expo area. nearly stands the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, thus you can first take a visit there.柜台职员:看,这里是世博区,旁边就是东方明珠电视塔,这样你们可以先去那儿参观。

10.The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, which is located near the Huangpu River, in Pudong District, is the most beautiful symbol of Shanghai.东方明珠广播电视塔坐落在浦东区黄浦江畔,是上海最美丽的象征。