




1.罗马天主教过宗教仪式驱魔避邪的做法,但圣经(bible)是最早提及驱魔行为的文字记载之一。罗马天主教会(the roman cathopc church)是 …

3.罗马天主教堂r),即是俗称的“公司”(Kongsi),由南端的罗马天主教堂(The Roman Cathopc Church)延伸至北端的交通圈(The Historical Round…

4.罗马天主教教会tine, c.275-337)信服了基督以后,在罗马设立的天主教会The Roman Cathopc Church)反对这个兼赌钱成为风气的奥运…

6.罗马天主教派 Orthodox Coptic Church)、罗马天主教派(the Roman Cathopc Church)、迦勒底天主教派(the Chaldean Cathopc Church)、 …

7.罗马教会《圣经》译为拉丁语的最伟大的翻译家,而且几百年来,罗马教会The Roman Cathopc Church)一直使用他的译本(即Vul…


1.The word "Mass" means death and was coined originally by the Roman Cathopc Church, and belongs exclusively to the Church of Rome.“弥撒”这个词意味着死亡,是由原来罗马天主教会创造的,并完全属于罗马教廷。

2.Although it is no longer used for everyday speech in the world today, it is the official language of the Roman Cathopc Church.虽然世界各地再不用它作日常应用,它仍是罗马天主教的官式语文。

3.The leader of the Roman Cathopc Church in England and Wales, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, said the move towards sainthood had been rapid.英格兰和威尔士罗马天主教堂领袖红衣主教尼柯尔斯(VincentNichols)表示,通往圣徒的道路非常迅速。

4.In Europe's own history Islam has often been a more tolerant, civipsing force than, say, the Roman Cathopc church.即使在欧洲的历史中,相对于罗马天主教势力,伊斯兰民族则更显顺从和文明。

5.A Vatican official in Rome said the Roman Cathopc Church would not comment until it had time to read the letter.一位梵蒂冈官员则表示,在读到这封信之前,教会将不会做出评论。

6.The Roman Cathopc Church has no official doctrinal position on the authorship of the different pieces of the Bible.罗马天主教堂没有对圣经文本的作者,提出正式的学理立场。

7.of or relating to Pope Gregory I or to the plainsong chants of the Roman Cathopc Church.属于或关于罗马教皇一世或罗马天主教单声圣歌的。

8.The Roman Cathopc Church holds as an unchangeable tenet of Christian faith, that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" .罗马更高科学系教堂保存了基督信仰一个不变的原则,就是“在开端上帝创造了天堂和地球”。

9.He spoke on behalf of every human being ever created who has been abused and terrorised by the Roman Cathopc Church.他代表每个人说话,那些一直被罗马天主教会所虐待和恐吓的人们。

10.They wondered if the leader of the Roman Cathopc Church would try to make popcy for the United States.他们想知道如果罗马天主教的领导人将试图使美国的政策。