




1.碎片大厦don Eye),尖塔则是7月才完工的欧洲最高塔「碎片大楼」(The Shard),都是新伦敦地标,这些新建筑都是千禧年伦敦开 …

3.英国伦敦桥塔正在兴建中的英国伦敦桥塔The Shard)耸立在伦敦中心,场面壮观。它目前已建成七十二层,高约二百四十三米,预计在明 …

4.夏德塔与夏德塔The Shard)相比,建于11世纪的伦敦塔(Tower of London)显得黯然失色 摄影:Veronika Lukasova/ZUMA Press…

5.碎片塔(伦敦12日讯)座落于伦敦大桥附近,西欧最高建筑丶也是伦敦新地标的「碎片塔」(The Shard),其68到72楼的观景台预 …

6.夏德大厦夏德大厦The Shard),是位于英国伦敦的伦敦桥站西南侧的摩天大楼。高三百零九点六公尺,为全欧洲第二高建筑物,最高 …


1.He grabs the shard and slowly pulls it out, trying his best not to cry out in pain.他捏住碎片慢慢拔了出来,虽然疼痛,但他尽力没有叫出声来。

2.Mineralogical studies reveal the shard to be a fragment of a wine jar exported from the Nile valley to Israel .矿物学的研究揭示,这块碎片是一块葡萄酒瓶的碎片,是从尼罗河谷出口到以色列的葡萄酒。

3.It leverages the shard-selection strategy I laid out in Listing 1 and writes and reads data from the two shards I've configured.它利用我在清单1中所部署的切分选择策略,并从我配置的两个切分中读写数据。

4.The Shard was conceived on the back of a napkin at a Berpn restaurant in 2000, by architect Renzo Piano.碎片大厦的构思起初被建筑大师伦佐·皮亚诺写在柏林一家餐馆的餐巾背面。

5.Take the SHARD out of the register drawer.以登记册的抽屉碎片了。

6.Now we define the shard strategies to be used in the apppcation.现在我们定义应用程序中要使用的分片策略。

7.If you try to take the SHARD from the fireplace you are thwarted by a metal grate!如果您尝试从壁炉的碎片,你遇到挫折,由一个金属篦!

8.Also note that the session-factory and the shard ID must represent the shard uniquely.还要注意,会话工厂和共享ID必须惟一地表示碎片。

9.The shard ID will be mapped with respect to the virtual shard ID map configured in the later steps.碎片ID将相对于后续步骤中配置的虚拟碎片ID映射予以映射。

10.Next, we build the Shard Strategy Factory based on shard strategy implementations.接下来,我们基于碎片策略实现构建碎片策略工厂。