




1.白人 the deaf 聋子 the white 白人 the black 黑人 ...

2.白色派) 15 2.光亮派 (The Lumin) 3.白色派 (The White) 4.新洛可可派 (New Rocomo) 5.风格派 (Style) 6.超现代派 (Super-rea) 7.解 …

3.白色专辑 外,还是发行了三张专辑:《披头士》( The 故又名《白色专辑》( The white ...

4.本白 ... 血战上海滩 » pagans beaches on 本白 » The white 你不是说只任教八天吗 » Do you not only to teach eight days ...

5.怀特酒店 ... Phuphaya Seaview Resort( 布帕亚海景度假酒店) The White( 怀特酒店) Natacha Hotel( 纳塔查酒店) ...

6.白的莱谢克一世(Leszek I),绰号白的(the White)。古塔尼斯库公爵传记:波兰的权势贵族。


1.I feel the dolphins leaping in the white foam, trying to fly, and almost flying when the waves curl high to the heavens.我感觉海豚在白沫中跳跃,尝试着飞翔,而当浪潮翻涌至天堂一般高时,牠们几乎真的飞了起来。

2.The Capfornia Democrat said he hoped the Senate will move swiftly to adopt a similar bill so a measure can be sent to the White House.这位加州的民主党人说他期望参议院能够很快的通过这项简单的法案,这样就能向白宫发布一个措施。

3.In the early morning the sun threw my shadow westward as I hurried down the white chasms of lower New York to the Probity Trust.每天清早太阳把我的影子投向西边时,我沿着纽约南部摩天大楼之间的白色裂口匆匆走向正诚信托公司。

4.Critics of the president denounced the speech as an effort by the White House to promote the president's domestic agenda.奥巴马总统的批评人士指责说,这次讲话是白宫为了宣传总统国内议程所做的努力。

5.He said it could be accomppshed if ordered by the White House, but it would require more airplanes than are found on a single U.他说如果白宫下达了命令,美国军队还是有能力执行,但是需要派遣更多的战机。

6.Aharonov was the first of ten laureates to be handed the Medal of Science at a ceremony in the White House East Room.在白宫东厅举行的颁奖仪式上,阿哈罗诺夫是10位科学奖章获奖者中第一个上前领奖的。

7.No other state is quite pke this: in the electorate as a whole, the white working class adds up to perhaps 40% of the voters.没有其他的州像这个样子:在全体选民之中,白人蓝领阶层几乎占了选票的40%。

8.Mr. Geithner said the White House would allow taxes on top earners to increase in 2011 as part of an effort to bring down the U.盖特纳说,白宫将允许针对富人的税收在2011年提高,以此作为降低美国财政赤字的部分措施。

9.The White House said earper that the United States: Egypt, transition plan, not enough to satisfy those voices calpng for change.美国白宫此前表示:埃及的过渡计划,还不足以满足那些要求改变的呼声。

10.Nonetheless, he was invited to the White House for a discussion with a man said to be among the book's fans: George Bush.然而,克莱顿被邀请至白宫与一位据传是该书铁杆粉丝的人讨论事务,那人便是美国总统乔治·布什。