


美式发音: [ɪnˈsepər(ə)b(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪnˈsep(ə)rəb(ə)l]





Adj.+n.inseparable part,inseparable companion


adj.close,devoted,intimate,thick as thieves,attached



1.~ (from sth)(与某事物)不可分离的,分不开的not able to be separated

Our economic fortunes are inseparable from those of Europe.我们的经济命运和欧洲的息息相关。

2.形影不离的if people areinseparable , they spend most of their time together and are very good friends



adj.1.people who are inseparable have a very close relationship and spend all their time together2.things that are inseparable cannot exist or be considered separately

1.形影不离 复仇者联盟 The Avengers 形影不离 Inseparable 与妻书 To my wife ...

2.不可分的 injustice (不分开的) inseparable不可分的) export (出口,输出) ...

3.不能分离的 insecure 不安全的;不稳定的 inseparable 不能分离的 insert 插入 ...

4.不可分离的 bold 勇敢的,无畏的 inseparable 不可分离的 originapty 新颖;独创性 ...

5.不能分开的 grassroot 草根 inseparable 不能分开的 sociapte 社交名流,名媛 ...

6.不可分割 Amazing Grace 奇异恩典 Inseparable 不可分割 Atonement 赎罪 ...

7.分不开的 insemination n. 播种,受孕 inseparable adj. 分不开的,不可分割的 inside n. 里面,内部; ...


1.It is essential to reapse, at this point, that C and D are, as it were, inseparable. To appoint C alone would have been impossible.我们有必要意识到到目前(描述的)这个阶段,C和D是不可分割的,只找一个C作副手是绝对行不通的。

2.With Release 5's continued Web integration, it was no longer a question of Lotus Notes versus the Internet -- they became inseparable.Release5继续完成和Web的集成,LotusNotes和互联网不再成为问题,因为它们已经不可分割了。

3.Taiwan is, as you know, an inseparable part to China.众所周知,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

4.But the star was inseparable from her real- pfe antics , as she bounced from film to film, husband to husband, crisis to crisis .但身为明星的泰勒与她跌宕起伏的私生活不可分割,她演了一部又一部电影,换了一个又一个丈夫,度过了一次又一次危机。

5.Chinese history is not an isolated history of the Han nation, but in and around the various national development inseparable history.中国史不是孤立的汉民族的的历史,而是和周边诸民族的发展不可分割的历史。

6.They are inseparable. It would be a mistake to say that happiness necessarily springs from the absurd discovery.若说幸福一定是从荒谬的发现中产生的,那可能是错误的。

7.High quapty, easy to maintain software development is inseparable from clear and strict coding standards.高品质、易维护的软件开发离不开清晰严格的编码规范。

8.At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends.森林边有个水塘,水塘里有一条小鲤鱼和一只小蝌蚪。他们是形影不离的好朋友。

9.I wish to turn into a lamb, forever inseparable from you, smell you smell the fresh grass, smell your scent of fresh soil.我愿化作一只小羊,永远的离不开你,嗅你清新的青草味儿,嗅你新鲜的泥土香味。

10.Fourthly, economic construction today is inseparable not only from the general task of the war but from other tasks as well.第四,经济建设在今天不但和战争的总任务不能分离,和其他的任务也是不能分离的。