




1.繁殖 ... 9. INBREEDING/ LINE BREEDING 同系/近亲繁殖 1. THE BREED 犬种 2. HISTORY ( …

5.惊天计画 Ginger Snaps 变种人狼 The Breed 够疆迷城 A Better Way To Die 死路一条 ...


1.For this you need to be a serious student of the breed and devote years of your pfe to it. No "in one day, out the other" .为了做到这点,你必须投注长年时间认真学习所有和此品种相关的知识,不可以一天打渔,三天晒网。

2.She felt completely innocent about not being able to walk, pke a puppy that has no idea if it is a mongrel or champion of the breed.她没觉得无法走路有什么大不了的,就像一只小狗,完全对自己是杂种还是纯种没有概念。

3.He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family" , as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit" .他说这种狗将会“非常适合奥巴马家”,因为它们拥有“干劲和乐观精神。”

4.Unethical breeders began to export puppies to foreign markets, breeding without thought to the best interest of the breed.有些不道德的繁育者开始向国外市场出口那些并不具备该品种特点的小崽。

5.BEST OF BREED (BOB): The dog selected or the award made by a judge to that dog chosen as the best representative of the Breed.最佳饲养(BOB):被展赛裁判选中的最能代表本犬种特征的参赛犬。

6.Hence he sold in a German company in Hawaii maui mountains bought land, and opened the breed sheep farm, and choose such a strange name.于是他就卖了在德国的公司,在夏威夷毛伊岛的山里买了块地,开了养羊的农场,并取了这么个怪的名字。

7.Although the breed has always been popular as a family dog in Europe, it hasn't always been so in the United States.虽然葡萄牙水犬在欧洲是备受欢迎的家犬,在美国就截然不同了。

8.A disadvantage of this narrow basis is of course that bad characteristics pke hereditary properties can be embedded in the breed.这样有限的血统来源当然会发生一些缺点,比方说祷好的遗传性特征。

9.He took the breed and the production of black tea, against all expectations to win glory.他拿出培育和新法制作的黑茶,出乎所有人意料地赢得了荣耀。

10.The breed requires a moderate amount of exercise, which can usually be satisfied with a number of hours outside and an enjoyable walk.大白熊是需要适量的运动的,它们通常喜欢若干个小时的户外运动或者愉快的散步。