




1.中环中心 <实验室 The Lab> <交流中心 The Center> 以上相关讯息,进一步请洽询竹围工作室 陈先生 竹围工作室 Bamboo Curtai…

7.世纪商贸大厦位于上海常熟路上的世纪商贸大厦The Center)即将投入使用,这是李嘉诚的和记黄埔集团开发的一个顶级高档写字楼。德 …


1.Zooming in and out on an image preserves the location of the top corner instead of the center.保留放大和缩小图像上的,而不是右上角的中心位置。

2.If you want me to say it simppstically, I'm proud that this nobody from nowhere became the center of Western tradition.简单点说,对于这个不知从何而来的无名小卒成为西方传统的中心,我感到万分骄傲。

3.At least one pair of holes symmetrical with the pipe axis as the center are arranged on the net pipe.所述的网管上可开设有以管轴为对称的至少一对孔洞。

4."It's a bit of a grudge match, " said Mr. Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.“这是报仇,”美国国际战略研究中心的刘易斯说道。

5.Usage: take appropriate amount of it in the center of the palm, apply on your forehead, nose, cheek and chin, then gently massage evenly.使用方法:取适量本品于掌心,乙醇分前额、鼻、颊、下额数区,轻抹均匀即可。

6.If you start the game now with your unit test the ball will move away from the center and go out of the screen, which is not really cool.如果你现在就运行你的测试,球将会从屏幕中央飞出屏幕,这看起来就不够酷了。

7.I simply looked at Him, and saw Him as the center of a field of tangible, visible, Love- Bpssful , Conscious, breathable Light.我只是注视着他,把他看做是有形的,可以看得到的,爱—福佑,可觉察的,可以呼吸的一束光。

8.You will find that the distribution of bullet in sight to the mid-point above the center of the front sight of that range.你会发现弹痕分布都在以准星中间点为中心的上面那个准星范围之内。

9.I put identity--the most basic requirement of any social software system--at the center with the other elements grouped around the outside.我把“身份认证”——任何一个社会性软件的最基本的需求——放在蜂巢中央,其它元素则围绕在它的周围。

10.He went into a jeweler's in old clothes. He found there was a nice diamond one in a beautiful glass-tapped table in the center of the shop.于是他穿着一身破旧的衣服走进一家珠宝店,发现在商店中央一个漂亮的玻璃柜台里有一条很漂亮的钻石项链。