




1.大男人 Golden Nun 金尼姑 The Great Man 大男人 He Has Nothing But Kung Fu 功夫小子 ...

2.大人物斯滕森(Kate Christensen)以小说《大人物》(The Great Man),赢得了2008年的笔会/福克纳奖(The Pen Faulkner Award f…

3.伟人 umbrella 五色伞 The Great Man 伟人 fall in love 爱 ...

4.大物《大物 》(The great man)更新全24集/SBS水木剧/韩剧天下/韩语中字[RMVB]《大物》(president)更新至24集/SBS水木剧/玩玩 …

5.大丈夫又《长部》#34经2.1说:大丈夫The Great Man)要具备八样心境:1.少欲;2.知足;3.精勤不懈;4.能独一静处;5.有正念 …


1.Mencius once said: the day will be down to the great man also, must suffer, the labor of their bones, their body skin hunger.孟子曾说:天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤。

2.Football fans who remember the great man's skills hope that eventually he will be ready to return and pass some of that magic on.依然记得这个伟大球员出神入化的技术的球迷希望他最终能够准备好重新回归,把传奇传递下去。

3.Even the Bank of England, where the great man kept his money, is planning a new display about his financial affairs.甚至他存钱的英格兰银行也计划做一个关于他财务方面的展示。

4.I watched the movie and I thought Spall's performance was spot on. He didn't look pke the great man, but he'd captured Churchill's essence.我看过这部影片,但我认为蒂莫西?斯波的表演很到位。虽然他看起来与伟人相差甚远,但他着实抓住了丘吉尔的精髓。

5.Such a trivial matter is enough to prove that the great man is eager to learn and does not forget to read at any time.如此一小事,也足以证明一代伟人好学心切,随时不忘读书的美德。

6.Attempt to deify the man known as the great man who should be the ulterior motives of the person or people with some kind of complex.企图把人称为伟人神化的人应该是别有用心之人或者有着某种情结的人。

7.It was an unnerving honour to have the great man sit down to watch us eat.我们很荣幸能让这位伟人坐下来看我们用餐,但也有些胆怯。

8.As a calpgrapher persisting in the great man of Chairman Mao, Zhu zhi neng, his acting and calpgraphy are well known by people.作为一位心仪伟人、执着追随毛主席的书法家,朱智能的演技和书法艺术为人们所熟知。

9.Michael Corleone was the youngest son of the Don and the only child who had refused the great man's direction.迈克尔•考利昂是老头子的么儿,是唯一拒不接受那位伟人教诲的孩子。

10.That electrifying news would telegraph itself around the St. Gregory tomorrow morning within minutes of the great man's arrival.这个令人震惊的消息在这位大人物明天早晨抵达后,不出几分钟便会不胫而走地传遍整个圣格雷戈里饭店。