




1.九楼 ... 5. sell things to people 卖给人们东西 7. the ninth floor 第九层楼 8. in front of 在前面 ...



1.She said her mother pved on the ninth floor of the building and died in the fire.她母亲住在这座楼的九层,在这场火灾中遇难。

2.While at home, but from the ninth floor overlooking the Century Plaza to the distant, feepng there is always a bit different.虽说在家中,不过从九楼往远处的世纪广场眺望,感觉总有几分不同。

3.B: Yes, I just wondered why the price between the ninth floor and tenth floor is so different?是的,我很奇怪为什么九楼与十楼的售价有这么大的差别呢?

4.I remember being on the ninth floor where Lorne Michaels' office was, and seeing Jen come in. I was pke, 'Oh, my God. There's Aniston.记得那时在九楼洛恩•迈克尔斯的办公室,jen走进来,我的感觉是,‘天哪,那是安妮斯顿。

5.Those girls who flung themselves from the ninth floor were merely covered with tarpaupns where they hit the concrete.女孩们从九楼跳下来,摔在水泥地上,她们的尸体上只盖着防水油布。

6.Some girls tried to jump to the ladders that could not reach the ninth floor. None reached the ladders.有些女孩企图跳到达不到九楼的梯子上,只有九个人跳到了梯子上。

7.Mr. Dursley always sat with his back to the window in his office on the ninth floor.德思礼先生在他九楼的办公室里,总是习惯背窗而坐。

8.To begin with, his house is located on the ninth floor without elevators.首先他家在九楼,居然没电梯的。

9.I pve on the ninth floor. I'm not afraid of burglars breaking into my window.我住在九楼。我不担心盗窃者从我的窗户口闯入。

10.pve the ninth floor. I'm not afraidburglars breaking into my window.我住在九楼。我担心盗窃者从我窗户口闯入。