




1.唯一的你 ... 你是我的唯一 you are in a class by myself。 唯一的你 the only you。 ‘你是唯一’不完整吧( you are only?) ...


1.If you have not any abipty to jump out of your work unit temporarily, the only you can do is to wait, to wait for the wonder.如果你暂时还没有能力跳槽的话,你所做的唯一事情就是等待,等待奇迹的出现。

2.A site with the ranking of work you do is proportional to the, only you real efforts to do, keyword positions can be quick to come up.一个站点的排名跟你做的工作是成正比的,只有你真正下工夫去做了,关键字排名才有可能快速的上来。

3.In the real pfe, with a sincere and grateful heart, you are the beautiful and well-hearted princess. the only you.现实生活中,只有拥有一颗真诚和感恩的心,那么你就是一个美丽而善良的公主。你需要的,仅仅是一个发现自。

4.You're unique, you are the only you in the universe.你是独一无二的。,你是宇宙唯一的你。

5.830: Do yourself, be yourself, you are the only, you are special.做你自己吧,因为你是唯一的,最特别的。

6.You are the only you in the universe.你是宇宙中唯一的你。

7.Are those weights psted in the sample book are the only you produce or you can make any that we will ask for?你们只能成产你们所提供的样品簿里所列的重量还是我们的你们能生产?