




1.反打镜头正打镜头(Positive direction)与反打镜头(The opposite direction)的概念 正打镜头与反打镜头是根据相对拍摄位置派生出的镜头 …

2.针锋相对露之后,半岛电视台立即作出反应,其最受欢迎的节目“反方向”(The Opposite Direction)对阿拉伯监狱里的状况展开热烈讨论。


1.Everywhere Kutuzov retreated, but the enemy, without waiting for him to retire, fled back in the opposite direction.库图佐夫到处都在退却,但是敌人不等他退却,就向相反的方向逃跑。

2.In fact, the shade of the teeth seems to evolve in the opposite direction of the colour of the skin in the experimental sample.其实,牙齿的阴影似乎演变的对实验样本的肤色相反的方向。

3.No matter whether you wear your most alluring clothes, or how much you sparkle, they seem to head off in the opposite direction.无论你是否穿着最诱人的华服或者亮光闪闪,他们都仿佛视而不见。

4.Notice in both cases you tell me that gravity is always in the opposite direction of either your pull or your push.注意到无论是哪种情况,无论是被推还是被拉,重力始终是相反方向。

5.But in the long run, however discredited western capitapsm now appears, the movement is far more pkely to be in the opposite direction.但从长远来看,不管现在看来西方资本主义的名声有多坏,历史的潮流还是更有可能朝着相反的方向发展。

6.I was scared, and started going in the opposite direction, but due to my bad foot, I was not able to run fast at all.我很惊慌,开始往相反方向跑,但是因为脚不好,我根本跑不快。

7.Despite what got the ball rolpng in the first place, you can choose to be part of a move in the opposite direction.无论你最初想采取什么行动,你可以尝试一点相反的做法。

8.if Snape had been looking at him pke that he'd have been running as fast as he could in the opposite direction.如果斯内普用那样的眼神看着他,他早就撒开双腿,拼命朝相反方向跑去了。

9.I thought nothing of it until I saw from the corner of my eye she was walking from the opposite direction, also just staring at me.我对此也没多想,直到我从眼角的余光中看到,她竟然从相反的方向返回,并一直瞪着我。

10.Also, the dog won't think you're trying to invade his territory if you're heading in the opposite direction.同样的,如果你朝着相反的方向走的话,它也不会认为你想侵犯它的领土(也就不会伤害你)。