




1.近几年 ... 21.心脏病 heart disease 22.近几年 the recent years 23.有机茶 organic …


1.Guide with brand managing, depends on technology and skilled personnel, the company was rapidly developed since the recent years.公司以品牌经营、管理为导向,依靠科技力量和先进的人材,近年来,企业得到快速发展。

2.Everybody cans want and then take place in the recent years. ( Iraq war) this war everybody should be very famipar with?大家可以想想就在近年发生的。(伊拉克战争)这个战争大家应该很熟悉吧?

3.He said that in the recent years leaders of both countries have maintained frequent contacts, which vigorously promoted bilateral relations.近年来,两国领导人经常接触,有力地推动了双边关系向纵深发展。

4.A review is made of the recent years' research of Japan's imperial system by Chinese scholars, and a brief evaluation is made of the review.对近年来我国学者关于日本天皇制的研究成果进行综述概括,并对研究情况作简要评析。

5.But given all that has occurred at News Corp in the recent years under his reign, should he resign as CEO or chair or both?但鉴于在他的统治下,新闻集团近年来所遭遇的种种困境,他是否应该辞去CEO或者董事长得职位,甚至辞去全部两个职位?

6.as the normal means of the settlements , in the recent years , the international arbitration is flourishing.近几年来,国际仲裁作为一般的纠纷解决手段正蓬勃发展。

7.for parents to ask their children to accept extra educational programs over the recent years.近些年,父母要求他们的孩子。

8.The finance market tends to the polarization of pursuing increment or smooth in the recent years.近几年的金融市场,在追求增值与安稳之间越来越有两极化的趋势。

9.There is a growing tendency for parents to ask their children to accept extra educational programs over the recent years.近年,父母请求他们的孩子接受额外的教育呈增加的势头。

10.The rudder that the ship should be equipped is amended by referring to the tug rudder unearthed in the recent years.根据近年出土的拖舵,对本船应配置的舵又作了修正。