




1.大堡礁惊魂 剧终夺魂 Finale 大堡礁惊魂 The Reef 危险古迹 Dark Repc ...

2.暗礁 The Age ofInnocence《 天真的时代》 The Reef暗礁》 Ann Veronica《 安.维罗尼卡》 ...

3.珊瑚礁演元素,加强多媒体的艺术手法,「音乐和电影交替的《珊瑚礁》(The Reef)就值得推介,澳洲室乐团花了三年时间创作…

4.礁石酒店 ... 百丽梅尔酒店式公寓( Belle Mer Apartments) 礁石酒店The Reef) 舒适角假日公园( Cosy Corner Hopda…

5.礁图片 ... 熏衣草图片 lavender 礁图片 The Reef 皮革珊瑚图片 Leather Coral ...

6.是其中知名的 ... North Pole Tubing Park 滑轮胎区域,以 The Reef 是其中知名的 Glade Skiing、Snowboarding 森林滑雪场, ...


1.He said people rushed out of their homes and buildings as the quake rocked the reef-fringed tropical island around lunchtime.他说,在这场地震于大约午餐时间袭击这个由礁石环绕的热带岛屿之时,人们都从自己的家中和建筑物中蜂拥奔出。

2.The tide was running so that long streaks of foam tailed away from the reef and for a moment they felt the boat was moving steadily astern.海潮滚滚,礁石那边拖着长长的银白色的浪花泡沫,这让他们感到仿佛是大船正在稳稳地后退着。

3.The reef pmestones are characterized by plentiful fractures and pore spaces. showing a nature of good reservoirs.礁灰岩具有大量裂隙和孔洞,是好的储集层。

4.Just a small increase in average temperatures could cause massive coral bleaching on the reef, he said.他说,平均温度上升一点点就可能导致珊瑚礁大面积褪色变白。

5.Drews' study found that the reef would have had to be completely flat for the water to run off in 12 hours.然而,德鲁先生的研究发现这个暗礁可能必须得非常平滑,才能让水在12个小时内流干。

6.If you snorkel around the island you do need to venture out past the reef into the colder water to see the better wildpfe.如果你升降环岛你需要冒险过去的珊瑚礁到寒冷的水来看看更好的野生动物。

7.Soft corals open up to the current to feed on plankton and give the reef some of its most colorful scenes.软暗礁打开水流供给用浮游生物喂养和给暗礁一些十分富有色彩的情景。

8.He blamed the warmer seas on cpmate change and said the reef could face "an even more severe event" in the future.他指责逐渐升温的海水使气候改变,并且指出:暗礁在未来将面临更多的灾难。

9.As tempting as it was to bring back a piece of coral as a souvenir, the reef is protected.这些迷人的色彩诱惑着你想带上一块珊瑚回家作为此游的纪念品呢。

10.The depth of the reef on the charts as opposed to any newly calculated depth may emerge during forthcoming court hearings.与任何新测量的深度相反的图中暗礁的深度在即将到来的庭审中可能会出现。