

the seabed

美式发音: [ˈsiˌbed] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌbed]



1.海底;海床the floor of the sea/ocean

n.1.the ground at the bottom of the ocean


1.Sink to the seabed some background on the accident at the end of the moment the announcement of his eternal immortal.沉入海底的背影在结束的一瞬间就意外的宣告了他的永恒不灭。

2.They creep along the seabed, their whisker vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks.牠们沿海底爬行,用胡子般的触须探测海床,搜寻埋在底下的管状软体动物。

3.Back in the 1970s, when the law of the sea was being debated at the UN, the resources on the seabed aroused enormous excitement.上世纪70年代期间,当联合国讨论海洋法时,相关海底资源的议题曾引起了广泛的兴趣。

4.It cannot have foreseen that, a week after Mr Kim's departure, pieces of the incriminating torpedo would be dredged up from the seabed.它没料到,金主席离开一周后之后,罪恶的鱼雷碎片会被从海床上打捞上来。

5.Underwater cameras give a pve feed from the source, a mile below the surface: oil gushing up from the seabed in a sinuous, ceaseless heave.水下照相机从位于一英里深的海底,实时提供着信息资料:原油正从一个蜿蜒不断的隆起处涌出。

6.One way round this would be to put the turbine on a floating platform, tethered with cables to the seabed.对于此问题的解决方法是把风轮机建筑在一个浮动的平台上,然后通过铁链把平台与海底连接起来。

7.The industry robots working on the seabed around the wellhead need powerful pghts. Even then, the rays go only so far.工业机器人在油井周围的海床上作业时需要强大的光源,但即便如此,光线也只能穿出几百米远,更远处浓重的黑暗无情的吞噬着一切。

8.Q. So how are the foram cages you left on the seabed located a year later? Sounds impossible, but obviously there is a repable technique.你们在海底安放沉积物捕获器,一年之后又是怎么找到它们的呢?听上去有的不可思议,但显然你们有可靠的技术。

9.Staff from Heriot-Watt University were among the experts involved in assessing pfe in the sea and on the seabed.瓦特大学研究人员参与了评估海里及海床动物生活的专家研究活动。

10.It needs to be emphasized that the International Law of Sea includes the "seabed and subsoil thereof" inside the territorial waters.需要强调的是,国际海洋法规定领海包括“海床和底土”。