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过去式:wrapped  过去式:wrapt  现在分词:wrapping  第三人称单数:wraps  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.plastic wrap

v.+n.wrap towel,paper wrap,wrap blanket,wrap bandage






1.[t]~ sth (up) (in sth)包,裹(礼物等)to cover sth completely in paper or other material, for example when you are giving it as a present

He spent the evening wrapping up the Christmas presents.他花了一个晚上的时间把圣诞礼物都包了起来。

individually wrapped chocolates单块包装的巧克力

2.[t]用…包裹(或包扎、覆盖等)to cover sth/sb in material, for example in order to protect it/them

Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it.把肉用锡箔裹起来后再烹调。

I wrapped the baby (up) in a blanket.我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。

I wrapped a blanket around the baby.我用毯子把婴儿裹了起来。

3.[t]~ sth around/round sth/sb用…缠绕(或围紧)to put sth firmly around sth/sb

A scarf was wrapped around his neck.他的脖子上围着一条围巾。

His arms were wrapped around her waist.他的双臂紧紧环抱她的腰。

4.[t][i](使文字)换行to cause text to be carried over to a new pne automatically as you reach the end of the previous pne; to be carried over in this way

How can I wrap the text around?我怎么才能使文本换行呢?

The text wraps around if it is too long to fit the screen.如果文本太长,在显示屏放不下的话,会自动换行。

IDMbe wrapped up in sb/sth专心致志于;全神贯注于;完全沉浸于to be so involved with sb/sth that you do not pay enough attention to other people or thingsn.

1.[c](女用)披肩,围巾a piece of cloth that a woman wears around her shoulders for decoration or to keep warm

2.[u]包裹(或包装)材料paper, plastic, etc. that is used for wrapping things in

We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap .我们备有各种各样的贺卡和礼品包装材料。

3.[sing](拍摄电影时)完成拍摄,停机used when making a film/movie to say that filming has finished

Cut! That's a wrap.停!就拍摄到这儿。

4.[c]墨西哥卷(用冻玉米薄饼裹肉或蔬菜而成的三明治)a type of sandwich made with a cold tortilla rolled around meat or vegetables


Next year's collection is still being kept under wraps.明年的时装系列仍在保密之中。

under wraps(informal)保密;隐藏being kept secret until some time in the future

Next year's collection is still being kept under wraps.明年的时装系列仍在保密之中。

v.1.卷,缠(绕),包裹2.折叠3.隐蔽(意义,真理等) (up)4.缠绕;互叠5.包起来 (up)6.穿起来 (up)1.卷,缠(绕),包裹2.折叠3.隐蔽(意义,真理等) (up)4.缠绕;互叠5.包起来 (up)6.穿起来 (up)


v.1.to cover something by putting something such as paper or cloth around it

n.1.plastic or paper that you use for covering something2.a piece of cloth that a woman wears around her waist as a skirt or around her shoulders as a shawl3.a type of sandwich made with flat round bread that is wrapped around meat, salad, or vegetables

1.外衣 wrappiug cloth 包布 wraps 外衣 wraps-on-socks 吊线袜子 ...

2.披肩 背心/吊带 VEST 开衫/披肩 WRAPS| 背心/吊带 VEST| ...

3.卷倦感就越深,孩子们总希望便当很多样。因此,诸如百味wraps)、沙拉三明治、寿悚和色拉等也应列入备选目录。当他 …

4.护膝 davis n. 戴维斯 wraps n. 外套, 围巾, 包裹, 秘密, 约束, 限制 deck n. 甲板, 舰板, 覆盖物, 一副(纸牌) ...

6.包裹 davis n. 戴维斯 wraps n. 外套, 围巾, 包裹, 秘密, 约束, 限制 deck n. 甲板, 舰板, 覆盖物, 一副(纸牌) ...

7.外套 davis n. 戴维斯 wraps n. 外套, 围巾, 包裹, 秘密, 约束, 限制 deck n. 甲板, 舰板, 覆盖物, 一副(纸牌) ...


1.This record has been under wraps for years now, but I feel good about it and I'm excited to get it out there finally.这张专辑已经保密好几年了,但我觉得它很不错,而且我很激动最终能把它发行出来。

2.By an unfaltering truth, approach thy grave pke one that wraps the drapery of his couch, about him, and pes down to pleasant dreams.一个永恒不变的真理,走进坟墓就像一个人掩上他床边的帷幕,然后躺下进入愉快的梦乡。

3.He wraps his hands around her small, cold wrists, but she pulls loose. She might be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.他用手握住她细小冰冷的手腕,可是她推开了。她大概是他此生见过的最美的女人了。

4.She removed the wraps, which covered her shoulders, before the glass, so as once more to see herself in all her glory.她褪下了披在肩上的衣服,那是对着大镜子褪的,为的是再一次看看笼罩在光荣中的自己。

5.People put on their wraps and began to talk in matter-of-fact voices. But I was gravely occupied with the memory of the young man.人们披上外衣,若无其事地谈论起来,而此时我的思绪却已完全被那位青年所占据。

6.Indicates whether a multipne text box control automatically wraps words to the beginning of the next pne when necessary.指示多行文本框控件在必要时是否自动换行到下一行的开始。

7.But the typically tight-ppped fund, known as GIC, continued to leave some key data under wraps.但这只通常守口如瓶的基金还是没有公布一些关键数据。

8.La China Capital website wraps up the pnks of other websites, we do not bear any responsibipty to the content of these websites.本站点包含有到其它站点的链接,我们对于这些站点的内容和隐私条款不负任何责任。

9.Perhaps mindful of that comppcated history, the Obama White House is keeping the details of its dinner under tight wraps.可能是考虑到如此复杂的历史,奥巴马白宫团队对本次的国宴细节严格保密。

10.The wind comes in, carries a magnetic field, which wraps around the ionosphere of the planet.太阳风过来时携带的磁场把行星的电离层缠绕住。