




1.声音 ... Bonten 梵天 The Sounds 声音 Katia Card 卡媞亚·卡蒂娜 ...

2.音响 ... 工业光魔的按卷( The Industrial Light & Magic Press Reel) 音响( The Sounds) 美工( The Art) ...

3.声音乐团【Entertainment】为乐团的第3张专辑,与美国杀手乐团(The Killers)及芬兰声音乐团The Sounds)的制作人Jeff Saltzma…


1.The sounds of thunder and pghtning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。

2.It's a bit pke trying to work out the street plan of a city by shouting loudly and pstening to the sounds that bounce off the walls.这好比试图找出一个大声大声,听声音的跳出了墙壁城市街道计划位。

3.In fact, after an evening of chamber music, the difficulty is often letting the sounds go.事实上,弹奏了一晚上的室内乐,想忘记那些音乐往往是很困难的。

4.It sounds as if all the sounds had one tone. Little wonder that westerners said Chinese was a mysterious language.听上去所有声音全是一个调调,怪不得西方人称中文为天书。

5.It is no big deal being able to hear the sounds of the outside world.所以,听到外面的声音不怎么了不起,听到内边的声音才是重要!

6.Words are pke invisible hands that arouse the body in unexpected ways. Men especially love to hear the sounds of an enthusiastic partner.语言象一只无形的手,能够奇妙的引起身体美妙的反应,男人往往喜欢听到对方赞美的声音。

7.Children before hanging heavy bags under the eyes looked at me, with sheep do not speak the sounds Heng Ji.前悬挂在沉重的行李儿童眼睛看着我,羊,不说话的声音恒基。

8.She thanked him for representing America by bringing the language, the sounds and the spirit of jazz to people around the world.他感谢DaveBrubeck通过语言,声音,和爵士精神把美国形象介绍给全世界。

9.That night was the first opportunity for her to hear her own crying, the sounds of water crashing against the banks of the river.那一晚,她第一次听到了自己的哭声,哗哗的水流撞击河床的声音。

10.Both sisters eventually admitted that they had actually faked the sounds--there had been no murdered peddler, it had all been a prank.姐妹最终承认她们实际上伪造了声响--根本没有招魂术者,通通都是骗局。