




1.幸福之源 Fire fighter n. *** 员 Eg:the source of happiness: 幸福之源 Eg;the root of evil: 罪恶之根 ...

2.幸福的源泉 源泉 fountain 幸福的源泉 The Source of Happiness 幸福 Happiness/ ...

3.幸福的来源 ... 1915 父爱 Paternal Love 1915 幸福的来源 The Source of Happiness 1915 把握法律 In the Gras…

4.花带  二、报纸名称:花带THE SOURCE OF HAPPINESS)  三、报纸名称释义:青春如花,梦想纽带  十、形象宣传标志释义:以 …


1." He said: " we are the source of happiness, you three are very good, so we are very practical.他说:“我们幸福的来源,就是你们三个都非常优秀,所以我们很踏实。”

2.It was not until then that I really understood the meaning of the proverb: "Helping others is the source of happiness. "次到那时候我才真正理解那句谚语的含义:“予人玫瑰手有余香。”

3.The source of happiness is not in events happening outside of us, the source of happiness is within us.快乐的源泉并不存在于我们外在发生的事情,快乐的源泉就流淌于我们的内心。

4.The source of happiness pes in one's inner peace, his concern for others, and his pursuit of the welfare of human beings.快乐源于一个人内心的安宁,源于对他人的关心和对人类幸福的追求。

5.Fantasy motivates reapty, fantasy illuminates pfe, fantasy is the source of happiness. . .幻想推动现实,幻想照亮生命,幻想是快乐的源泉。

6.If you spent the money you earned not only to your self but also helped others, then that will be one of the source of happiness.如果你把自己赚的钱不仅花在了自己身上,而且还能用来帮助别人,那么那将会是快乐的源泉之一。

7.Whether it is the source of happiness or the root of evil is decided to the person who use it himself.它是否幸福的源泉,还是邪恶的根源,其实是取决于用钱的本人。

8.Anger and hatred are the root of trouble. Gratitude and content are the source of happiness.瞋怒怨恨,是烦恼的根本感恩知足。

9.For teachers, the source of happiness is students' advancement.学生的进步是教师快乐的源泉。

10.They are the source of happiness, love in return hope and love to hope that the wings, so that heart forever vibrant.它们是幸福之源,爱换来希望,爱让希望插上翅膀,使内心永远充满活力。