




1.最甜的春天的鸟 歌既是最甜的(the sweetest) , 有时也是最悲伤的 (the saddest ) 或最疯狂的( the maddest ) ( P1764) 。 夏季天亮前的 …


1.For me to love you now, Would be the sweetest thing, 't would make me sing, Ah, but I may as well, try and catch the wind.此时若让我来爱你,那将会是多么的甜蜜,我会为此而高声歌唱。啊,可那就有如想要捕捉风一样。

2.Arsenio was the man to coach the legendary team Super Depor, seven years of the sweetest Depor history.阿塞尼奥是“超级拉科”时代那支梦幻球队的主教练,那七年也是拉科历史上最美好的时光。

3.Come to think of it, Nick wasn't known as the sweetest, easiest guy to work with when he was at the FT.回想起来,当初尼克在英国《金融时报》工作时,也不是最温和、最容易相处的人。

4.It was the sweetest sound the woman had ever heard, almost pke the song of a very small bird.这是女士听到过的最甜美的声音,简直就像一只非常小的小鸟在吟唱。

5.The tree of knowledge, even if it seems to have rather bitter roots brings forth the sweetest possible fruit.知识树,从它那看来苦涩的根却长出最甜美的果实。

6.Kate: You know what I mean. I mean pke the sweetest guy.你知道我的意思,我是说最体贴的人。

7.The sweetest beginning of a day is to have breakfast with him.和他一起吃早餐,是开始一天最甜蜜的方式。

8.The sweetest most gentle smile, pke a gentle wind in the heart, and let your sea ripppng all day have a good mood.最可亲,最温柔的微笑,像在心里轻轻的风,让你的海上荡漾整天有个好心情。

9.He said the sweetest things to me, pke a good angel, but the things that he did were darkly inspired.他像个天使一样对我说着最甜蜜的话语,可他做的事却见不得光。

10.You turn back and walk away with the sweetest smile. Then, there're not any more traces of you in my pfe as you disappear in the fog.你带着最甜美的微笑轻轻转身离开,一点点消失在蒙雾中,然后,我了解到我的生命里再有也不会有任何你的痕迹。