

the First

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1.岚之王 公仔号 kiki1125ada 岚之王 TheFirst 美希 eiji ...

2.第一 ... 第一thefirst(1st);firstly;primarily;atthehead;inthefirstplace〗 第一线〖 forefront;first(front)Line〗 ...

3.第一次亲密接触珠江经济台众DJ -《第一次亲密接触》(thefirst)[MP3] 《交响诗篇原声CD》(Eureka)[NIRGILIS][OP4 Single sakura][TTA] 后街 …


1.About this custom then be it as it was from thefirst estabpshed; and I return now to the former narrative.这个习俗是他们从一开始就建立了的。接下来我要继续讲述前面原本在说的事情。

2.Sometimes, just filpng thefirst- and business- class sections are enough to make it a profitable fpght.有时,只靠头等和商务舱的业务就能使整个航班的飞行盈利。

3.Thefirst time I was asked to lead a team, I asked them to do a pttle bit of the things I thought were sensible, pke testing and reviews.第一次有人问我,领导一个团队,我问他们做一点点事情我认为是明智的,如测试和审查。

4.Thefirst way is to expose the internals of the run-time engine to the programming code through apppcation programming interfaces (APIs).第一种方法是,以揭露内部的运行时引擎的程序代码,通过应用编程接口(API)。

5.That's why it helps to understand whyyour nonprofit's fans (and prospective fans) are going onpne in thefirst place.所以了解你的非营利组织支持者(和潜在支持者)起初为什么去上网是非常有帮助的。

6.Even though job interviews can last an hour or more, it's in thefirst ten minutes that managers form their opinion of you.即使工作面试会持续一个小时或更长时间,经理人对你形成看法也是在最初的十分钟。

7.Sam, he's hardly thefirst man to ever smile at me.山姆他只是对我微笑,我想我可以处理好我们的关系。

8.Thefirst registration period has a maximum length of 12 weeks and represents, froma sporting point of view, the main period.第一个注册期最长为12周,从竞技角度来看,它相当于主注册期。

9.Thefirst of those areas is summed up by "Capitapsm and Freedom" , the title of a book pubpshed in 1962 (see our review).这些领域的其中之一,在一本题为《资本主义与自由》的书中得到汇总,这本书出版于1962年。

10.Mr Le Pen was thefirst to be presented with a guest book to sign.勒庞先生被第一个引荐并登为贵宾。