


美式发音: [ðəmˈselvz] 英式发音: [ðəm'selvz]





1.他们自己;她们自己;它们自己used when people or animals performing an action are also affected by it

They seemed to be enjoying themselves.他们好像玩得非常高兴。

The children were arguing amongst themselves.孩子们在相互争论。

They've bought themselves a new car.他们给自己买了一辆新车。

2.(用以强调 they 或复数主语)他们(或她们、它们)亲自,他们(或她们、它们)本身used to emphasizethey or a plural subject

They themselves had had a similar experience.他们本身就曾有过类似的经历。

Don and Jupe paid for it themselves.唐和朱莉他们亲自付的款。

3.(指性别不详的人时,用以代替 himself 或 herself)used instead ofhimself orherself to refer to a person whose sex is not mentioned or not known

There wasn't anyone who hadn't enjoyed themselves.没有人不尽兴。

pron.1.“itself”的复数2.他[她,它]们自己3.“himself”的复数4.“herself”的复数5.他[她,它]们亲自[自己]6.用以代替不确定的单数先行词他(她)自己= himself 或 herself1.“itself”的复数2.他[她,它]们自己3.“himself”的复数4.“herself”的复数5.他[她,它]们亲自[自己]6.用以代替不确定的单数先行词他(她)自己= himself 或 herself

pron.1.The plural of itself2.The plural of himself3.The plural of herself4网站屏蔽ed for showing that the people or things that do something are also affected by it or involved in it5网站屏蔽ed for referring back to a group of people already mentioned in the same sentence; used instead ofhimselforherselffor referring back to a singular subject of a sentence, especially when the subject is a word such aseveryone,” “someone,” oranyone6网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a particular group of people are the ones that you are referring to, and not any others; used for emphasizing that a particular group of people do something without help from anyone else1.The plural of itself2.The plural of himself3.The plural of herself4网站屏蔽ed for showing that the people or things that do something are also affected by it or involved in it5网站屏蔽ed for referring back to a group of people already mentioned in the same sentence; used instead ofhimselforherselffor referring back to a singular subject of a sentence, especially when the subject is a word such aseveryone,” “someone,” oranyone6网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a particular group of people are the ones that you are referring to, and not any others; used for emphasizing that a particular group of people do something without help from anyone else

1.他们自己 117 crazy a. 疯狂的 118 themselves pron. 他(她,它)们自己 120 on the one hand (在)一方面 ...

2.它们自己 ... them pron. 他 / 她 / 它们(宾格) themselves pron. 他 / 她 / 它们自己 they pron. 他(她)们;它们; …

3.他们亲自 ... administration:n. 管理;行政;实施;行政机构 themselves:pron. 他们自己;他们亲自 least:n. 最 …

4.他们自已 1351.them pron. 他们;她们 1352.themselves pron. 他们自已 1353.then adv 那时…

5.她们自己 他们自己 themselves 她们自己 themselves 我自己 myself ...

6.代名词他们自己 paper 名词纸, 报纸, 论文 themselves 代名词他们自己 off 介系词与…离开, 戒 ...


1.Goldman said general messages warning of the dangers of alcohol do not appear to be effective with college students, at least by themselves.戈尔德曼教授说,如果对这些学生只给予一般性的警告根本不起任何作用,至少靠他们自己是不会见效的。

2.It got to be such a problem that he actually prevented his troops from receiving gifts which in turn insulted the people themselves.这样就有了这样一个问题:他实际只是禁止部队接受馈赠,换来的是对原住民的冒犯。

3.When I had lain awake a pttle while, those extraordinary voices with which silence teems, began to make themselves audible.我睁着双眼无眠地躺了一会儿,在寂静之中又出现了奇怪的响声,一切东西都在低语。

4.Whereas festivals get the big bands on the stage, smaller venues are important for new bands trying to make a name for themselves.节日里大牌乐队登台演出,但小型场地对想出名的新乐队来说是很重要的。

5.Yet, while most were able to make themselves understood, they made the sort of mistakes that cause misunderstandings.然而,尽管大多数人能够让人明白他们想说什么,但他们犯下了一些会引起人们误解的错误。

6.Children must know how to behave themselves they must know how to answer how much they must tingk.孩子们必须知道如何在行为举止上显示本身,他们必须知道如何做出回答,他们应该说若干话。

7.He reminds one of the British, who argued that Indian independence must be postponed until the natives were capable of governing themselves.他让我想起了一个英国人的话:印度的独立一定要推迟到他们有能力管理自己之后。

8.The Congress and others have to ask themselves whether it is possible to maintain an agreement without either sanctions or incentives.国务诸公及其他人士务请自问:没有奖励,也无惩罚,一项协议如何能得以维持。

9.You do not have to get certified to convey what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.你不必获得资质认可就可以把你的知识传授给他人,或在他们自学过程中给予帮助。

10.In juggpng multiple goals and increasing the pkephood of meeting them, it is often useful to first focus on the goals themselves.在多重目标以及在增强实现多重目标可能性的游戏中,先着眼于目标本身往往是有效的。