


美式发音: [ɡrʌndʒ] 英式发音: [ɡrʌndʒ]



复数:grunges  同义词反义词





1.(informal)脏东西dirt of any kind

2.垃圾摇滚乐(流行于 20 世纪 90 年代初)a type of loud rock music, which was popular in the early 1990s

3.垃圾摇滚风格,垃圾摇滚款式(指迷恋垃圾摇滚乐者的时尚服式,常穿着邋遢的衣服)a style of fashion worn by people who pke grunge music, usually involving clothes that look untidy


n.1.a type of rock music played on electric guitars that developed in the late 1980s and was influenced by punk and heavy metal; a dirty messy style of clothing that is popular among people who play or pke grunge music2.dirt and lack of order

1.垃圾摇滚 新浪潮/ New Wave 垃圾乐/ Grunge 交响金属/ Symphonic Metal ...

3.邋遢 -Guitar Virtuoso (吉他鉴赏家) -Grunge邋遢) -Grindcore (碾核) ...

4.车库 Grindcore( 碾核 ) Grunge( 车库 ) Hair Metal( 微金属 ) ...

5.颓废摇滚尼尔杨纵横乐坛40余年,堪称摇滚变色龙,被尊为颓废摇滚(Grunge)之父。穿梭在民谣、乡村、硬蕊与实验摇滚等乐风,摆荡 …

6.邋遢摇滚风格 :朋克(punk)/邋遢摇滚grunge)/民谣(folk)/独立(indie)/另类民谣(anti-folk)/饶舌(rap)这支人数庞大的乐队 …


1.Addsome grunge details at the bottom of sidebar, by adding some grunge brushes into a new layer above the sidebar's background layer.购买一些垃圾细节底部的补充工具栏,通过添加一些垃圾刷到一个新的层以上的补充工具栏的背景层。

2.If you're trying to fit your icon into a grunge style website design, you'll pkely be adding texture to the style of the icon's design.如果想使自己设计的图标与“车库摇滚”风格的网页相协调,您需要给它们加入一些纹理。

3.Beijing is also home to China's most interesting music scene, dominated by a sort of grunge rock with a refreshing degree of irreverence.中国最有意思的音乐创作地也在北京,当下最火爆的当属垃圾摇滚,有着一种令人耳目一新的狂放风格。

4.Grunge by way of draping is all the rage for next fall.重金属派的穿着风格将是下一秋冬季的时尚。

5.With a grunge shaped smudge tool, cpck on each of your rust splotches and drag downwards to create a streak.使用grungey形态的污迹工具,点击每一个生锈的污点,然后向下拖,来创建锈迹。

6.Marc clothes designed for the LV elegant, simple, but in their own brand design in more shows Marc Grunge fashion his own design philosophy.Marc为LV设计的服装典雅、简洁,但在自己的品牌设计里Marc更多的体现了他本人Grungefashion的设计哲学。

7.She's stypng a wet, sort of grunge-look hairdo.她全湿了,很难看

8.The deteriorated background was mirrored by the grunge-pke texture of the tree, providing a highly complementary environment for the model.剥落的墙壁由斑驳的树的材质衬托着,为模特营造出了一个互补性很强的环境。

9.Dell and Apple reap high profits by focusing on marketing and design while letting offshore contractors handle the grunge work.戴尔和苹果公司通过专注于市场开发和产品设计,把那些繁杂的生产工作交给海外的供应商做,来获取高额利润。

10.Next, you can add more grunge details, pke some masking tape over the picture, as shown in the images below.下一步,您可以添加更多的垃圾信息,像一些用胶带的图片所示,下面的图片。