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1.赛昂的数学家、哲学家赛昂Theon),希帕提娅曾帮助她的父亲修订了托勒密的《天文学大全》和欧几里得的《几何学原本》。在 …

2.赛翁她的父亲赛翁Theon)是有名的数学家和天文学家,就在亚历山大博物院做教学和研究工作。博物院是一个专门传授和研究高 …

3.席恩古希腊后期的数学家当中,亚历山卓的席恩 (Theon) 是目前确知与缪司神庙有关的最后一位数学家。他曾记录了日蚀和月蚀, …

4.希帕提娅是席昂希帕提娅是席昂Theon)的女儿,席昂身为亚历山大博物馆(Museum of Alexandria)的最后一位研究员,既是希帕提娅的父 …

5.希帕提娅的父亲及导师席昂希帕提娅的父亲及导师席昂Theon),是举世闻名的亚历山大图书馆最后一位名传史册的数学家。大约在公元400年时,希帕 …

6.塞翁阿爸塞翁Theon)过了30年的隐士生活,那些地区的人认为他有透视能力。每天都有成群结队的病人前来看他,他把手从所 …

7.希帕蒂娅是席昂希帕蒂娅是席昂Theon)的女儿,席昂身为亚历山大博物馆(Museum of Alexandria)的最后一位研究员,既是希帕蒂娅的父 …


1.Theon was staggering by the time he reached the foot of the stair. He slung the girl over his shoulder and began to cpmb.席恩拖着蹒跚的脚来到楼梯下,他将女孩背到肩上开始攀爬。

2.Theon did not recognize the voice. Most of the man's features were covered by the scarf about his face. Only his eyes could be seen.席恩没认出这个声音,多数人的面貌都被围巾盖着,只露出眼睛。

3.Theon drained the last dregs of his ale and rose reluctantly to his feet.席恩喝干他最后的几滴淡啤酒然后勉强站起来。

4.It was easy to get lost in that frozen labyrinth, but Theon Greyjoy knew every twist and turning.在这冻结的迷宫中本来很容易迷失,但是席恩·格雷乔伊熟悉每个转弯岔路。

5.Theon broke his own fast with a tankard of dark ale, cloudy with yeast and thick enough to chew on.席恩用一大杯黑色淡啤酒和足以咬动的厚发酵面饼解决了早餐问题。

6.He turned his head, his pale cold eyes searching the hall until they found the bard Abel beside Theon.他转过了头,他浅色的眼珠在大厅里来回搜寻直到他找到了席恩旁边的石人阿贝尔。

7.Theon glanced at Squirrel. They are almost of a size. It might work. "And how does Squirrel get out? "席恩扫了一眼松鼠。他们几乎一样的身材。这也许能行。“那么松鼠要怎么脱身?”

8.Theon wondered if he would ever see the Drowned God's watery halls, or if his ghost would pnger here at Winterfell.席恩猜测自己是不是还能活着看见淹神的含水大厅,或者只有他的幽灵徘徊在临冬城。

9.Squirrel sppped away, soft-footed as she always was. Rowan walked Theon from the hall.松鼠像她平时一样轻声轻脚溜走了,罗文带着席恩也离开了大厅。

10.Yes, he meant to say. Instead he heard himself reply, "Theon Greyjoy. I . . . I have brought some women for you. "是的,他本来想说。但是他听到自己回复,“席恩·格雷乔伊。我……我带了几个女人给你。”